February 1, 2023 – Online













February 1, 2023 – Online











February 1, 2023 – Online

The European Climate Pact: Together in Action

We Don't Have Time
European Commission














February 1, 2023 – Online












February 1, 2023 – Online

The European Climate Pact: Together in Action

We Don't Have Time
European Commission

Welcome to this pre-broadcast of our STHLM+51 Climate Hub that will be live on April 17–22, 2023. On February 1, the European Climate Pact is celebrating two years of taking climate action together, in our worlds, for our planet.

Join us on We Don't Have Time as we bring together Climate Pact Ambassadors, experts and activists to take stock of the journey so far and discuss ways to build a more sustainable Europe for the future.

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Program Highlights

All times in Central European Time (CET) / Eastern Standard Time (EST). Find your local time zone here.

14:00 CET / 8:00 AM EST – Welcome remarks by European Commission Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans

14:10 CET / 8:10 AM EST – My world, my action, our planet: Showcase of Climate Pact Ambassadors driving the green transition

  • Frans Timmermans, European Commission Executive Vice-President
  • Rada Boneva, Climate Pact Ambassadors in Bulgaria  
  • Anu Harkki, Climate Pact Ambassadors in Finland  
  • Filip Koprcina, Climate Pact Ambassadors in Croatia

15:25 CET / 9:25 AM EST – Connecting our worlds: How can citizens, communities, cities and regions team up for climate action?

  • Marta Fandlova, Student activist & Climate Pact Ambassador in Slovakia
  • Fons Janssen, Climate Pact Ambassador & Country Coordinator for Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg
  • Morten Thorsby, Professional Footballer; Founder of the non-profit organisation We Play Green; & Climate Pact Ambassador in Germany
  • Kata Tüttő, Deputy-Mayor of Budapest; Vice-Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Climate change and Energy at the European Committee of the Regions; & Climate Pact Ambassador

16:10 CET / 10:10 AM EST – Rising from the crises: How can we work together to keep up hope and step-up action?

  • Anika Dafert, Austrian Youth Activist, Friday for Future
  • Clara de la Torre, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission
  • Li An Phoa, Mobiliser & Founder, Drinkable Rivers
  • Alessio Terzi, Economist & author of “Growth for Good: Reshaping capitalism to save humanity from the climate catastrophe”

17:00 CET / 11:00 AM EST – End of Broadcast

The European Climate Pact: Together in Action


Hajar Yagkoubi


Public Speaker and Youth Inclusion Expert

Hajar Yagkoubi is a former UN Youth Representative for the Netherlands. During her mandate as a Youth Delegate Hajar gathered input from young people on topics such as the climate crisis, the Sustainable Development Goals, Human Rights and Security. That input was presented through speeches that Hajar gave at the UN. During the General Assembly, High-Level Political Forum, UN Climate Action Summit but also in conversation with (prime)-ministers, legislators and politicians. Currently, she works on enhancing youth participation, climate action and human rights work as a public speaker, advocate and consultant.


Frans Timmermans

Vice-President of the European Commission

Frans Timmermans is a Dutch politician and diplomat serving as First Vice President of the European Commission and is leading the European Commission's work on the European Green Deal and its first European Climate Law. Timmermans was previously the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands from 2012 to 2014 and State Secretary for Foreign Affairs from 2007 to 2010.

Rada Boneva

European Climate Pact Ambassador in Bulgaria

Rada Boneva created her blog thriftsheep.com back in 2017 with a mission to promote secondhand shopping and vintage treasure hunting. Since then, she has been sharing her experience and knowledge on environmentalism, climate issues, biodiversity, and eco-mindfulness for individuals. In 2019 was born ThrftSheep Podcast - a thematic podcast in the Bulgarian language with a wide range of experts.

Anu Harkki

European Climate Pact Ambassador in Finland

Anu Harkki has a PhD in Biotechnology and is an emerita Research Director, retired in 2016. In 2015, she is a Climate Speaker in Vice President AL Gore´s Climate Reality Project. Her talks focus on the general facts of Climate Change, why, and how. She also focuses on sustainable food and farming issues.

Filip Koprčina

European Climate Pact Ambassador in Croatia

Filip Koprčina has been a part of environmental organizations such as Friends of the Earth, been trained as a Green Activist by the Green European Foundation, and is now volunteering on a European Solidarity Corps project with an aim to increase awareness of SDGs in Cyprus.

Marta Fandlová

European Climate Pact Ambassador in Slovak Republic

Marta Fandlová is a journalism student and part of the group Klima ťa potrebuje. She organized an online petition, “For the climate”, that has so far collected more than 126,000 signatures, forcing the Slovak parliament to discuss the climate emergency at its next session.

Fons Janssen

Climate Pact Ambassador and Country Coordinator for Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg

Fons Janssen supports youth and young professional(s) organizations forming effective national and European networks and shares best practices to implement structural and meaningful youth participation in the relevant policy programs of the European Green Deal in the member states.

Morten Thorsby

Professional Footballer; Founder of the non-profit organisation We Play Green; and EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Morten Thorsby is a professional footballer for FC Union Berlin and the Norwegian National Team. He is also the creator and founder of We Play Green, an independent, player-driven, non-profit organization whose mission is to mobilize the global football family in supporting the Green Shift.

Kata Tüttő

Deputy-Mayor of Budapest; Vice-Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Climate change and Energy, the European Committee of the Regions; & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Kata Tüttő is a Hungarian politician and economist. Since November 2019, she is the Deputy-Mayor of Budapest, responsible for utility management. She is also chairing the Operational Group responsible for the city's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kata Tüttő is also Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Climate change, and Energy and of the Working Group Green Deal Going Local of the European Committee of the Regions, and Vice-President of the Party of European Socialists Group in the Committee. During her mandate, she has been a rapporteur on a number of major opinions concerning energy poverty, climate, circular economy, and lastly on mainstreaming the gender perspective in the European Green Deal.

Anika Dafert

Austrian Youth Activist, Friday for Future

Anika Dafert is an environmental activist and co-founder of the Fridays For Future movement in Salzburg, Austria. In 2019 she traveled to the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, where she was part of the official delegation of Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen. In the same year she attended the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25) in Madrid as one of the delegates of Fridays For Future Austria. The young climate activist was invited as a guest in several TV and radio shows where she raised awareness for the detrimental consequences of climate change. In interviews, Anika Dafert calls on political and economic leaders to assume responsibility and implement the climate objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Clara de la Torre

Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission

Since 1 September 2019, Clara de la Torre has held the post of Deputy Director General in the Directorate-General for Climate Action in the European Commission. Prior to her current appointment, her professional career focused on research and innovation policy. She had been Director of Transport in the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation from 2016 to 2019. Previously, starting in 2014, she was responsible for Key Enabling Technologies, following a 3-year appointment as Director in the field of Innovation. In her first post as a Director, from 2008 to 2010, she was in charge of inter-institutional and legal matters related to the Framework Programme at the European Commission. In the late 1990s, she dealt with National Research Policies and Intergovernmental Cooperation. She worked at the EU Joint Research Centre in Brussels and Seville, where she was Advisor to the Director of the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.

Li An Phoa

Mobiliser & Founder, Drinkable Rivers

Li An Phoa is a passionate systems thinker initiating projects on food, water, and landscapes and creates learning experiences. She researches and envisions about how we can live together and facilitates multi-stakeholder processes. She works with large organizations such as Unilever and the Rwandan Ministry of Health, as well as innovative farmers, artists, and indigenous communities. She teaches at Rotterdam School of Management, Leiden University, Nyenrode Business University, Schumacher College and runs her nomadic school Spring College taking thousand of people outdoors and connecting the logic of life (ecology) with our daily life choices (economy). She will soon launch her project on Drinkable Rivers as an indicator for a new economy including designing a River Curriculum.

Alessio Terzi

Economist & author of “Growth for Good: Reshaping capitalism to save humanity from the climate catastrophe”

Alessio Terzi is the author of Growth for Good. He is also an Economist at DG ECFIN of the European Commission, and a lecturer at HEC Paris and Sciences Po (Lille). Prior to this, he was an Affiliate Fellow at Bruegel, the leading European economics think-tank, and a Fulbright Scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School. He also has work experience from the European Central Bank's EU institutions division and in sovereign risk analysis from BMI Research (Fitch Ratings).


Hajar Yagkoubi

Public Speaker and Youth Inclusion Expert

Hajar Yagkoubi is a former UN Youth Representative for the Netherlands. During her mandate as a Youth Delegate Hajar gathered input from young people on topics such as the climate crisis, the Sustainable Development Goals, Human Rights and Security. That input was presented through speeches that Hajar gave at the UN. During the General Assembly, High-Level Political Forum, UN Climate Action Summit but also in conversation with (prime)-ministers, legislators and politicians. Currently, she works on enhancing youth participation, climate action and human rights work as a public speaker, advocate and consultant.

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Frans Timmermans

Vice-President of the European Commission

Frans Timmermans is a Dutch politician and diplomat serving as First Vice President of the European Commission and is leading the European Commission's work on the European Green Deal and its first European Climate Law. Timmermans was previously the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands from 2012 to 2014 and State Secretary for Foreign Affairs from 2007 to 2010.

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Rada Boneva

European Climate Pact Ambassador in Bulgaria

Rada Boneva created her blog thriftsheep.com back in 2017 with a mission to promote secondhand shopping and vintage treasure hunting. Since then, she has been sharing her experience and knowledge on environmentalism, climate issues, biodiversity, and eco-mindfulness for individuals. In 2019 was born ThrftSheep Podcast - a thematic podcast in the Bulgarian language with a wide range of experts.

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Anu Harkki

European Climate Pact Ambassador in Finland

Anu Harkki has a PhD in Biotechnology and is an emerita Research Director, retired in 2016. In 2015, she is a Climate Speaker in Vice President AL Gore´s Climate Reality Project. Her talks focus on the general facts of Climate Change, why, and how. She also focuses on sustainable food and farming issues.

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Filip Koprčina

European Climate Pact Ambassador in Croatia

Filip Koprčina has been a part of environmental organizations such as Friends of the Earth, been trained as a Green Activist by the Green European Foundation, and is now volunteering on a European Solidarity Corps project with an aim to increase awareness of SDGs in Cyprus.

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Marta Fandlová

European Climate Pact Ambassador in Slovak Republic

Marta Fandlová is a journalism student and part of the group Klima ťa potrebuje. She organized an online petition, “For the climate”, that has so far collected more than 126,000 signatures, forcing the Slovak parliament to discuss the climate emergency at its next session.

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Fons Janssen

Climate Pact Ambassador and Country Coordinator for Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg

Fons Janssen supports youth and young professional(s) organizations forming effective national and European networks and shares best practices to implement structural and meaningful youth participation in the relevant policy programs of the European Green Deal in the member states.

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Morten Thorsby

Professional Footballer; Founder of the non-profit organisation We Play Green; and EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Morten Thorsby is a professional footballer for FC Union Berlin and the Norwegian National Team. He is also the creator and founder of We Play Green, an independent, player-driven, non-profit organization whose mission is to mobilize the global football family in supporting the Green Shift.

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Kata Tüttő

Deputy-Mayor of Budapest; Vice-Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Climate change and Energy, the European Committee of the Regions; & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Kata Tüttő is a Hungarian politician and economist. Since November 2019, she is the Deputy-Mayor of Budapest, responsible for utility management. She is also chairing the Operational Group responsible for the city's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kata Tüttő is also Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Climate change, and Energy and of the Working Group Green Deal Going Local of the European Committee of the Regions, and Vice-President of the Party of European Socialists Group in the Committee. During her mandate, she has been a rapporteur on a number of major opinions concerning energy poverty, climate, circular economy, and lastly on mainstreaming the gender perspective in the European Green Deal.

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Anika Dafert

Austrian Youth Activist, Friday for Future

Anika Dafert is an environmental activist and co-founder of the Fridays For Future movement in Salzburg, Austria. In 2019 she traveled to the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, where she was part of the official delegation of Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen. In the same year she attended the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25) in Madrid as one of the delegates of Fridays For Future Austria. The young climate activist was invited as a guest in several TV and radio shows where she raised awareness for the detrimental consequences of climate change. In interviews, Anika Dafert calls on political and economic leaders to assume responsibility and implement the climate objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement.

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Clara de la Torre

Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission

Since 1 September 2019, Clara de la Torre has held the post of Deputy Director General in the Directorate-General for Climate Action in the European Commission. Prior to her current appointment, her professional career focused on research and innovation policy. She had been Director of Transport in the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation from 2016 to 2019. Previously, starting in 2014, she was responsible for Key Enabling Technologies, following a 3-year appointment as Director in the field of Innovation. In her first post as a Director, from 2008 to 2010, she was in charge of inter-institutional and legal matters related to the Framework Programme at the European Commission. In the late 1990s, she dealt with National Research Policies and Intergovernmental Cooperation. She worked at the EU Joint Research Centre in Brussels and Seville, where she was Advisor to the Director of the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.

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Li An Phoa

Mobiliser & Founder, Drinkable Rivers

Li An Phoa is a passionate systems thinker initiating projects on food, water, and landscapes and creates learning experiences. She researches and envisions about how we can live together and facilitates multi-stakeholder processes. She works with large organizations such as Unilever and the Rwandan Ministry of Health, as well as innovative farmers, artists, and indigenous communities. She teaches at Rotterdam School of Management, Leiden University, Nyenrode Business University, Schumacher College and runs her nomadic school Spring College taking thousand of people outdoors and connecting the logic of life (ecology) with our daily life choices (economy). She will soon launch her project on Drinkable Rivers as an indicator for a new economy including designing a River Curriculum.

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Alessio Terzi

Economist & author of “Growth for Good: Reshaping capitalism to save humanity from the climate catastrophe”

Alessio Terzi is the author of Growth for Good. He is also an Economist at DG ECFIN of the European Commission, and a lecturer at HEC Paris and Sciences Po (Lille). Prior to this, he was an Affiliate Fellow at Bruegel, the leading European economics think-tank, and a Fulbright Scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School. He also has work experience from the European Central Bank's EU institutions division and in sovereign risk analysis from BMI Research (Fitch Ratings).

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The European Climate Pact: Together in Action

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The European Climate Pact: Together in Action


We Don't Have Time is the world's largest social media for climate action. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on WeDontHaveTime.org

The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union. It operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission headed by a President. The European Climate Pact is a movement of people united around a common cause, each taking steps in their worlds to build a more sustainable Europe for us all. Launched by the European Commission, the Pact is part of the European Green Deal and is helping the European Union to meet its goal to become climate-neutral by 2050.

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