June 9, 2023













June 9, 2023











June 9, 2023

Earth system boundaries for a just world on a safe planet

Watch the Earth system boundaries for a just world on a safe planet on We Don't Have Time

future earth
Earth commission














June 9, 2023












June 9, 2023

Earth system boundaries for a just world on a safe planet

Watch the Earth system boundaries for a just world on a safe planet on We Don't Have Time

future earth
Earth commission

Future Earth and the Earth Commission - a part of the Global Commons Alliance - invite you to join ‘Earth systems boundaries for a just world on a safe planet’, live on We Don't Have Time on June 9.

The Earth Commission has defined a new set of boundaries that will inform science-based-targets for governments, cities and businesses to work toward, in order to secure a safe and just future in which humans and nature can thrive. By centering justice at its heart, this new science represents a quantum leap in our ability to understand Earth’s capacity to sustain life, and the role we humans play as guardians of our only home and each other.

Join us, live on We Don't Have Time as we engage with this new scientific framework.

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13:00–13:10 CEST — Welcome and introduction

Introductory remarks by Prof. Lars Bergström (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences), Dr. Wendy Broadgate (Future Earth) and Prof. Dahe Qin (Co-Chair, Earth Commission)


  • Professor Lars Bergström, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  • Dr. Wendy Broadgate, Future Earth
  • Professor Dahe Qin, Co-Chair, Earth Commission

13:10–13:25 CEST — The safe and just framework

Introduction by Prof. Johan Rockström and Prof. Joyeeta Gupta, Co-Chairs of the Earth Commission.


  • Professor Johan Rockström
  • Professor Joyeeta Gupta, Co-Chairs, Earth Commission

13:25–14:05 CEST — Earth system boundaries

New safe and just boundaries for climate, biosphere, freshwater, nutrient cycles and aerosol pollutants presented by Earth Commission members: Prof. Govindasamy Bala, Prof. Kristie Ebi, Prof. Christopher Gordon, Prof. Peter Verburg and Dr. David Armstrong McKay


  • Prof. Govindasamy Bala, Earth Commissioner and Professor, Indian Institute of Science
  • Prof. Kristie Ebi, Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Washington
  • Prof. Christopher Gordon, Earth Commissioner and Associate Professor, University of Ghana
  • Prof. Peter Verburg, Earth Commissioner and Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Dr. David Armstrong McKay, Research Scientist, Earth Commission and University of Exeter

14:05–14:45 CEST — Reflections from science

Panel discussion with representatives from academia, research and funders: Dr. Åsa Persson (Stockholm Environment Institute), Prof. Deliang Chen (University of Gothenburg) and Anna Jöborn (Mistra).


  • Åsa Persson, Research Director & Deputy Director, Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Deliang Chen, Professor, University of Gothenburg
  • Anna Jöborn, Chief Executive Officer, Mistra

15:05–15:35 CEST — How to live within the boundaries

Earth Commission members' presentations: Operationalising the ESBs for Cities & Businesses by Prof. Xuemei Bai, People and Nature Positive by Dr. David Obura, and Just Transformations by Prof. Diana Liverman.


  • Xuemei Bai, Earth Commissioner and Distinguished Professor, Australia National University
  • David Obura, Earth Commissioner and Director, CORDIO (East Africa)
  • Diana Liverman, Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Arizona

15:35–15:40 CEST — Stewarding the commons

Reflections from the Director of the Global Commons Alliance, Jane Madgwick


  • Jane Madgwick, Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance

15:40–16:30 CEST — Stakeholder perspectives: Implications and possible applications of Earth system boundaries

Panel discussion with representatives from business, civil society, policy: Mattias Frumerie (Swedish Ministry of Environment), Nonette Royo (The Tenure Facility), Dr. Lisen Schulz (Stockholm Resilience Centre), Morten Højer (City of Copenhagen), Kaj Török (MAX Burgers) and Dr. Varsha Vijay (Science Based Targets Network)


  • Mattias Frumerie, Head of Delegation to UNFCCC, Swedish Ministry of Climate and Enterprise
  • Nonette Royo, Executive Director, The Tenure Facility
  • Lisen Schultz, Director of Education, Stockholm Resilience Centre
  • Morten Højer, Chief Advisor on Climate and Economy, City of Copenhagen
  • Kaj Török, MAX Burgers
  • Varsha Vijay, Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network

16:30–17:00 CEST — Q&A with the audience & closing remarks

Join us for a Q&A with the audience and the final remarks.

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Program Highlights

13:00–13:10 CEST — Welcome and introduction

Introductory remarks by Prof. Lars Bergström (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences), Dr. Wendy Broadgate (Future Earth) and Prof. Dahe Qin (Co-Chair, Earth Commission)


  • Professor Lars Bergström, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  • Dr. Wendy Broadgate, Future Earth
  • Professor Dahe Qin, Co-Chair, Earth Commission

13:10–13:25 CEST — The safe and just framework

Introduction by Prof. Johan Rockström and Prof. Joyeeta Gupta, Co-Chairs of the Earth Commission.


  • Professor Johan Rockström
  • Professor Joyeeta Gupta, Co-Chairs, Earth Commission

13:25–14:05 CEST — Earth system boundaries

New safe and just boundaries for climate, biosphere, freshwater, nutrient cycles and aerosol pollutants presented by Earth Commission members: Prof. Govindasamy Bala, Prof. Kristie Ebi, Prof. Christopher Gordon, Prof. Peter Verburg and Dr. David Armstrong McKay


  • Prof. Govindasamy Bala, Earth Commissioner and Professor, Indian Institute of Science
  • Prof. Kristie Ebi, Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Washington
  • Prof. Christopher Gordon, Earth Commissioner and Associate Professor, University of Ghana
  • Prof. Peter Verburg, Earth Commissioner and Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Dr. David Armstrong McKay, Research Scientist, Earth Commission and University of Exeter

14:05–14:45 CEST — Reflections from science

Panel discussion with representatives from academia, research and funders: Dr. Åsa Persson (Stockholm Environment Institute), Prof. Deliang Chen (University of Gothenburg) and Anna Jöborn (Mistra).


  • Åsa Persson, Research Director & Deputy Director, Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Deliang Chen, Professor, University of Gothenburg
  • Anna Jöborn, Chief Executive Officer, Mistra

15:05–15:35 CEST — How to live within the boundaries

Earth Commission members' presentations: Operationalising the ESBs for Cities & Businesses by Prof. Xuemei Bai, People and Nature Positive by Dr. David Obura, and Just Transformations by Prof. Diana Liverman.


  • Xuemei Bai, Earth Commissioner and Distinguished Professor, Australia National University
  • David Obura, Earth Commissioner and Director, CORDIO (East Africa)
  • Diana Liverman, Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Arizona

15:35–15:40 CEST — Stewarding the commons

Reflections from the Director of the Global Commons Alliance, Jane Madgwick


  • Jane Madgwick, Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance

15:40–16:30 CEST — Stakeholder perspectives: Implications and possible applications of Earth system boundaries

Panel discussion with representatives from business, civil society, policy: Mattias Frumerie (Swedish Ministry of Environment), Nonette Royo (The Tenure Facility), Dr. Lisen Schulz (Stockholm Resilience Centre), Morten Højer (City of Copenhagen), Kaj Török (MAX Burgers) and Dr. Varsha Vijay (Science Based Targets Network)


  • Mattias Frumerie, Head of Delegation to UNFCCC, Swedish Ministry of Climate and Enterprise
  • Nonette Royo, Executive Director, The Tenure Facility
  • Lisen Schultz, Director of Education, Stockholm Resilience Centre
  • Morten Højer, Chief Advisor on Climate and Economy, City of Copenhagen
  • Kaj Török, MAX Burgers
  • Varsha Vijay, Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network

16:30–17:00 CEST — Q&A with the audience & closing remarks

Join us for a Q&A with the audience and the final remarks.

Earth system boundaries for a just world on a safe planet

Selected speakers

Dahe Qin


Co-Chair, Earth Commission and Director, Academic Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dahe Qin is the Co-Chair of the Earth Commission and Director of the Academic Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström


Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

Joyeeta Gupta


Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South, Earth Commission

Joyeeta Gupta is co-chair of the Earth Commission (2019-2021), set up by Future Earth and supported by the Global Challenges Foundation, together with Johan Rockström and Dahe Qin. She was co-chair of UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook-6 (2016-2019), published by Cambridge University Press, which was presented to governments participating in the United Nations Environment Assembly in 2019, and was covered in newspapers worldwide. It has just won the Association of American Publishers PROSE award for Environmental Science.

Wendy Broadgate


Director, Earth Commission and Global Hub Director Sweden, Future Earth

Wendy Broadgate is Director, Earth Commission and Global Hub Director Sweden, Future Earth.

Deliang Chen


Professor, University of Gothenburg

Deliang Chen is a Professor at the University of Gothenburg.

Mattias Frumerie


Climate Ambassador & Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, Sweden

Ambassador Frumerie is also Sweden's Head of Delegation to UNFCCC. Previous positions include head of EU policy, EU single market, Strategic communications, postings in Budapest and Brussels as well as EU advisor in the Prime Minister's Office.

Nonette Royo


Executive Director, The Tenure Facility

Nonette Royo is the Executive Director, The Tenure Facility.

Anna Jöborn


Chief Executive Officer, Mistra

Anna Jöborn is the Chief Executive Officer, Mistra.

Åsa Persson


Research Director & Deputy Director, Stockholm Environment Institute

Åsa Persson is the Research Director & Deputy Director, Stockholm Environment Institute.

Lisen Schultz


Deputy Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre

A systems ecologist by training, but now spending most of my time training Swedish union leaders and CEOs of influential companies in sustainability and resilience thinking. Also a board member of ClimateView, and a member of the Swedish commission for UNESCO. As a scientist, I study processes of learning and collaboration in climate action and in natural resource management, ranging from small lakes to international fisheries.

Varsha Vijay


Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network

Varsha Vijay is the Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network.

Morten Højer


Chief Advisor on Climate and Economy, City of Copenhagen

Morten Højer is the Chief Advisor on Climate and Economy, City of Copenhagen.

Kaj Török


CSO, MAX Burgers

Kaj Török is Chief Sustainability Officer at MAX Burgers since 2016. In 2008 MAX created the world's first climate-labeled menu and started capturing emissions through reforestation in Africa. In 2019 MAX received UN Global Climate Action Award for the world’s first climate-positive menu. Swedes say that MAX has the tastiest burgers. MAX is also the company in Sweden that is most well-known for taking climate action. Kaj has worked with sustainability since the mid-90s and was awarded Sweden's best sustainability officer in 2020. Kaj is a popular international keynote speaker.


Jane Madgwick


Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance

Jane is an ecologist and author with 30 years of experience working internationally on the science, policy and practice of wetlands and water management. She became the first Executive Director of the Global Commons Alliance in May 2023. Previously Jane worked for Wetlands International, as well as WWF International and WWF Australia. As CEO of Wetlands International for 19 years, she led network of 20 offices operating mostly in the global south. This work helped to bring the values of wetlands into the global agenda and to mobilize communities, companies, governments and cities to conserve and restore wetland landscapes for biodiversity, human well-being and reduced climate risks.

Govindasamy Bala


Earth Commissioner and Professor, Indian Institute of Science

Govindasamy Bala is the Earth Commissioner and Professor, Indian Institute of Science.

David Obura


Earth Commissioner and Director, CORDIO (East Africa)

David Obura is the Earth Commissioner and Director, CORDIO (East Africa).

Diana Liverman


Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Arizona

Diana Liverman is the Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Arizona.

Xuemei Bai


Earth Commissioner and Distinguished Professor, Australia National University

Xuemei Bai is the Earth Commissioner and Distinguished Professor, Australia National University.

Kristie Ebi


Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Washington

Kristie Ebi is the Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Washington.

Christopher Gordon


Earth Commissioner and Associate Professor, University of Ghana

Christopher Gordon is the Earth Commissioner and Associate Professor, University of Ghana.

Peter Verburg


Earth Commissioner and Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Peter Verburg is the Earth Commissioner and Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

David Armstrong McKay


Research Scientist, Earth Commission and University of Exeter

David Armstrong McKay is the Research Scientist, Earth Commission and University of Exeter.

Selected speakers

Dahe Qin

Co-Chair, Earth Commission and Director, Academic Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dahe Qin is the Co-Chair of the Earth Commission and Director of the Academic Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

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Joyeeta Gupta

Professor of Environment and Development in the Global South, Earth Commission

Joyeeta Gupta is co-chair of the Earth Commission (2019-2021), set up by Future Earth and supported by the Global Challenges Foundation, together with Johan Rockström and Dahe Qin. She was co-chair of UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook-6 (2016-2019), published by Cambridge University Press, which was presented to governments participating in the United Nations Environment Assembly in 2019, and was covered in newspapers worldwide. It has just won the Association of American Publishers PROSE award for Environmental Science.

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Wendy Broadgate

Director, Earth Commission and Global Hub Director Sweden, Future Earth

Wendy Broadgate is Director, Earth Commission and Global Hub Director Sweden, Future Earth.

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Deliang Chen

Professor, University of Gothenburg

Deliang Chen is a Professor at the University of Gothenburg.

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Mattias Frumerie

Climate Ambassador & Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, Sweden

Ambassador Frumerie is also Sweden's Head of Delegation to UNFCCC. Previous positions include head of EU policy, EU single market, Strategic communications, postings in Budapest and Brussels as well as EU advisor in the Prime Minister's Office.

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Nonette Royo

Executive Director, The Tenure Facility

Nonette Royo is the Executive Director, The Tenure Facility.

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Anna Jöborn

Chief Executive Officer, Mistra

Anna Jöborn is the Chief Executive Officer, Mistra.

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Åsa Persson

Research Director & Deputy Director, Stockholm Environment Institute

Åsa Persson is the Research Director & Deputy Director, Stockholm Environment Institute.

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Lisen Schultz

Deputy Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre

A systems ecologist by training, but now spending most of my time training Swedish union leaders and CEOs of influential companies in sustainability and resilience thinking. Also a board member of ClimateView, and a member of the Swedish commission for UNESCO. As a scientist, I study processes of learning and collaboration in climate action and in natural resource management, ranging from small lakes to international fisheries.

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Varsha Vijay

Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network

Varsha Vijay is the Technical Director, Science Based Targets Network.

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Morten Højer

Chief Advisor on Climate and Economy, City of Copenhagen

Morten Højer is the Chief Advisor on Climate and Economy, City of Copenhagen.

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Kaj Török

CSO, MAX Burgers

Kaj Török is Chief Sustainability Officer at MAX Burgers since 2016. In 2008 MAX created the world's first climate-labeled menu and started capturing emissions through reforestation in Africa. In 2019 MAX received UN Global Climate Action Award for the world’s first climate-positive menu. Swedes say that MAX has the tastiest burgers. MAX is also the company in Sweden that is most well-known for taking climate action. Kaj has worked with sustainability since the mid-90s and was awarded Sweden's best sustainability officer in 2020. Kaj is a popular international keynote speaker.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/kajtorok/Read less
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Jane Madgwick

Executive Director, Global Commons Alliance

Jane is an ecologist and author with 30 years of experience working internationally on the science, policy and practice of wetlands and water management. She became the first Executive Director of the Global Commons Alliance in May 2023. Previously Jane worked for Wetlands International, as well as WWF International and WWF Australia. As CEO of Wetlands International for 19 years, she led network of 20 offices operating mostly in the global south. This work helped to bring the values of wetlands into the global agenda and to mobilize communities, companies, governments and cities to conserve and restore wetland landscapes for biodiversity, human well-being and reduced climate risks.

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Govindasamy Bala

Earth Commissioner and Professor, Indian Institute of Science

Govindasamy Bala is the Earth Commissioner and Professor, Indian Institute of Science.

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David Obura

Earth Commissioner and Director, CORDIO (East Africa)

David Obura is the Earth Commissioner and Director, CORDIO (East Africa).

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Diana Liverman

Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Arizona

Diana Liverman is the Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Arizona.

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Xuemei Bai

Earth Commissioner and Distinguished Professor, Australia National University

Xuemei Bai is the Earth Commissioner and Distinguished Professor, Australia National University.

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Kristie Ebi

Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Washington

Kristie Ebi is the Earth Commissioner and Professor, University of Washington.

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Christopher Gordon

Earth Commissioner and Associate Professor, University of Ghana

Christopher Gordon is the Earth Commissioner and Associate Professor, University of Ghana.

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Peter Verburg

Earth Commissioner and Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Peter Verburg is the Earth Commissioner and Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

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David Armstrong McKay

Research Scientist, Earth Commission and University of Exeter

David Armstrong McKay is the Research Scientist, Earth Commission and University of Exeter.

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Earth system boundaries for a just world on a safe planet

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Earth system boundaries for a just world on a safe planet


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