November 12, 2022, Special Broadcast













November 12, 2022, Special Broadcast











November 12, 2022, Special Broadcast

Day 6, Exponential Solutions: Food & Nature

COP27 Climate Hub – Day 6, Exponential Solutions

We Don't Have Time
Exponential Roadmap
Race To Zero














November 12, 2022, Special Broadcast












November 12, 2022, Special Broadcast

Day 6, Exponential Solutions: Food & Nature

COP27 Climate Hub – Day 6, Exponential Solutions

We Don't Have Time
Exponential Roadmap
Race To Zero

The race to nature positive by 2030

GHG emissions from food & land need to reach net zero by 2030, and we must end deforestation by 2025. This year the Exponential Roadmap Initiative partnered with scientists at Conservation International to publish the first roadmap to achieve this goal. Success means accelerating the shift towards regenerative agriculture, healthier, plant-based food and protection and restoration of the natural world. This event brings together world leaders from science, policymakers and businesses.

The Exponential Solutions sessions are enabled through our partners: Nestlé, Inter IKEA Group, and Ørsted.

Register to participate in physical hubs in Nairobi, Washington DC, and Stockholm here

This broadcast is part of the COP27 Climate Hub. Full day-by-day program.

09:00 – 10:40 EET — Adaptation: Business opportunities and responsibilities

In recent years the world has witnessed the impacts of climate change rapidly intensifying with more severe, frequent and unpredictable extreme weather events, and a rising sea level that threatens communities and countries all over the world. The private sector has in many ways taken a leading role in the establishment of mitigatory efforts, but a similar business-led movement on adaptation still needs to be developed. This seminar will explore responsibilities and opportunities for businesses in climate change adaptation.


  • Linda Burenius, Head of Development, Global Challenges Foundation.


  • H.E. Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, The Maldives;
  • Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, Founder CEO, Council of Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW);
  • Eija Hietauvo, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Eric Usher, Head UNEP Finance Initiative, UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI);
  • Jan Svärd, CEO EasyMining part of Ragn-Sells Group, Ragn-Sells;
  • Jimena Leiva Roesch, Director of Global Initiatives and Head of Peace, Climate, and Sustainable Development, International Peace Institute (IPI);
  • Linda Burenius, Head of Development, Global Challenges Foundation (GCF);
  • Richard Klein, Team Leader: International Climate Risk and Adaptation; Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI);
  • Victor Bernard, Program Officer, Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI).

Organized by: 

10:30–11:30 EET — Nature’s Newsroom

Welcome to our morning show in partnership with the NGOs and organizations from the Nature Positive Pavilion. Join us for a discussion of recent updates and announcements, critical perspectives, and high-level speakers.

  • Leonardo Lacerda, Global Managing Director for Climate, The Nature Conservancy;
  • Judith Walcott, Senior Safeguards Specialist, UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre;
  • Jad Daley, President & CEO, American Forests;
  • Lukas Paltanavičius, Regenerative Advocate, Cycle to Farms;
  • Sylvia Kuria, Organic farmer in Kenya, Global Alliance for the Future of Food;
  • Betty Chinyamunyamu, CEO of National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi (NASFAM);
  • Heylin Reyes Sánche, Project Manager at Kábata Könana Indigenous Women Association;
  • Jenifer Chow, Senior Director, Climate-Resilient Food Systems, EDF;
  • Sudhanshu Sarronwala, Chief Impact Officer, Infarm;
  • Sam Teicher, Co-Founder & Chief Reef OfficerCoral Vita;
  • Rory Jordan, Deputy Director, Coral Research and Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP);
  • Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Hassan Hanafy, Suez Canal University/Hurghada Environmental Protection and conservation Association (HEPCA);
  • Prof. Maoz Fine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Organized by:

11:30–12:30 EET — UNDP Hour

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the COP27 conference and the most pressing climate concerns of our times. Join us as ministers, United Nations experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth activists from every corner of the globe discuss climate change from a human perspective.  This is 'The UNDP Hour.'


  • Elizabeth Gulugulu, YOUNGO Focal Point, UNFCCC


  • Alana Craigen, Climate Policy Coordinator, UNDP;
  • Rohini Kohli, Senior Technical Advisor on Climate Change Policy and Planning, UNDP;
  • Alik Mikaelian, Head of Solutions Mapping, UNDP;
  • Thoraya Seada, Director of the Carbon Footprint Center, Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development;
  • Radwa El Amir, Communications Lead, Mozare3;
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Programme Manager, Ericsson;
  • Drew FitzGerald, Co-Founder, 501CTHREE;
  • Professor Jay Lemery MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Colorado - School of Medicine;
  • Princess Esmeralda of Belgium, Journalist and Activist, Friendship Belgium;
  • Benjamin Van Buderen Robberechts, Activist, #ClimateJusticeForRosa.

Organized by:

12:00 – 12:40 EET — Call for collaboration: Developing climate resilient food system pathways

Too many initiatives try to solve the problem in front of them, causing other problems. Therefore, we would like to demonstrate the vision/goal towards how a climate resilient food system would look like. Based on that vision/goal we will then have examples of solutions that can bring the society in this direction. Given facts are that 90% of the population growth in/to cities will take place in Africa and Asia and 70% of the world population will live in cities by 2050. Today we produce 49% of the food we use in the aqua culture, this will increase a lot by 2050 according to FAO. But the way we produce food today, both on land and in the aqua culture is slowly but surely destroying the possibilites to produce the food we need.


  • Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining;
  • Elija Hietavuo, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Cibele Queiroz, PHD & Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Center.

Organized by: 

13:00–14:30 EET — We Can Do It! Growing Food & Restoring Earth

We can't solve the climate crisis if we don't solve our food crisis. How do we produce our food in a way that is financially sustainable for both farmers and consumers while restoring the earth and binding carbon to the soil? How do we encourage people to buy food that is nutritious and with a low carbon footprint? And what's the deal with food waste? In this session, we highlight some examples of how we can maintain healthy soils while farming and how we can inspire people to be more conscious about what they eat.


  • Brent Loken, Ph.D., Global Food Lead Scientist, WWF Global Science;
  • Sarah Schaefer, VP Sustainability Europe, Electrolux;
  • Claire Shrewsbury, Director Insights and Innovation, WRAP;
  • Joseph Yoon, Edible Insect Ambassador, Brooklyn Bugs;
  • Ole Kristian Sivertsen, President & Group CEO, Desert Control;
  • Saint-Francis Tohlang, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Director, East & Southern Africa Region, Nestle;
  • Naomi Ruhara, Founder, Greenshade Ventures;
  • Jayahari KM, PhD, Food and Land Use Coalition.

Organized by:

13:00 – 13:40 EET — Technological innovations accelerating circularity within the food value chain

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), about a third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted along the food supply chain from farm to fork. This also has a negative impact on food security and food availability. Addressing these challenges requires a systems approach that addresses a wide range of complex issues in a holistic and sustainable manner. For example, creating stronger local and circular food systems helps keep valuable natural resources, minerals and nutrients circulating, while adopting technologically innovative solutions to manage food quality and reduce food loss and waste is key to driving circularity. Businesses and policymakers must work together to transform the way the world produces and consumes food. What can companies deliver in terms of technology to solve these global challenges? How can policy come in to support? General Alfa Laval, Ragn-Sells and Tetra Pak, three Swedish technological leaders operating in the food sector, and the city of São Paulo (Brazil) will share game changing solutions in the field of regenerative agriculture, food losses, nutrient and water recoveries and discuss pathways for scaling up adoption of such innovations.


  • Reniera O’Donnell, Food Initiative Lead, Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Expected speakers:

  • Charles Brand, EVP Processing Solutions and Equipment , Tetra Pak;
  • Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining, part of RagnSells Group;
  • Brian Munch, VP BU Decanters, Product Management & Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Julia da Motta, Coordinator for Economic Development, City of São Paulo.

Organized by: 

14:30–15:00 EET — Defugo & Friends II

In this edition of Defugo & friends, we will talk about how we can include and empower farmers and small land owners to become stewards for sustainability. Introducing the give back platform, Defugo's CEO Dave Coleman will bring some of the land owners that participate on the platform on to our stage to talk about their opportunities and challenges.


  • David Coleman, Chairman, Defugo

Organized by:

14:00 – 14:40 EET — How can we produce sufficient, healthy, and affordable protein in a sustainable way to feed a global population of 11 billion people by 2050?

According to the UN Food & Agricultural Organisation, the world is likely to need another 70% more food to feed a population of almost 11 billion people by 2050. Today, food production accounts for a third of all greenhouse gas emission, and it is an imperative to also minimise the environmental impact of food production to close the gap to meet the demand for food in less than 30 years in a sustainable way.

Also, the world will need food, which is both sufficient in quantity, but also healthy and affordable. Plant-based foods will play a key role, but fertile farmland and clean water supplies are insufficient to provide for a transition to a plant-based diet as the only solution.

Protein is at the heart of the issue. To close the gap, we need far more healthy and affordable protein and to achieve this, we need new kinds of protein. So, how will we close the gap?


  • Sharyn Murry, Investor Engagement Manager, GFI.

Expected speakers:

  • Brian Munch, VP BU Decanters, Product Management & Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Charles Brand, EVP Processing Solutions & Equipment, Tetra Pak;
  • Sharyn Murray, Investor Engagement Manager, Good Food Institute;
  • Fengru L, Founder & CEO, TurtleTree.

Organized by: 

15:00 – 15:40 EET — Accelerating on-farm adoption of enteric emissions solutions

The dairy sector provides a vital source of global nutrition and supports the livelihoods of a billion people. Yet enteric emissions from the ruminant digestive process are also the largest single source of human-related methane. While farmers have made significant reductions in the methane intensity of dairy products through enhanced herd management, there is a need to scale enteric emission solutions that can make immediate and impactful reductions in enteric emissions.

European dairy cooperative Arla has made a sector-leading commitment to reduce methane emissions from their farmer-owners. Learn more about their new sustainability incentive program and how farmers are adopting on-farm climate practices. The panel will also explore the current state of enteric emission solutions and what additional research is needed to support farmer adoption of enteric emission solutions.


  • Angela Churie Kallhauge, EVP for Impact, Environmental Defense Fund.

Expected speakers:

  • Hanne Søndergaard, EVP, Agriculture, Sustainability & Communications, Arla;
  • Dr. Joseph McFadden, Associate Professor, Animal Science, Cornell University.

Organized by: 

15:30–18:00 EET — Exponential Solutions: Food & Nature – The race to nature positive by 2030

GHG emissions from food & land need to reach net zero by 2030, and we must end deforestation by 2025. This year the Exponential Roadmap Initiative partnered with scientists at Conservation International to publish the first roadmap to achieve this. This event brings together world leaders from science, policymakers and businesses. Read more.


  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-Founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Tessa Vincent, Engagement Lead, Race to Zero, High-Level Climate Champions;
  • Owen Gaffney, Co-Founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Michael Wolosin, Managing Director, NCS Roadmap & Conservation International;
  • Lasse Bruun, CEO, 50by40;
  • Susan Chomba, Director of Vital Landscapes for Africa, World Resources Institute;
  • Saint-Francis Tohlang, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Director, Nestlé East & Southern Africa Region;
  • Felipe Villela, Brazilian Regenerative Agribusiness Expert & Co-Founder, ReNature;
  • Ulf Johansson, Global Wood Supply & Forestry Manager, IKEA;
  • Mikael Karlsson, Associate Professor Climate Change Leadership, Uppsala University;
  • Eron Bloomgarden, CEO and founder of Emergent, Coordinator, The LEAF Coalition;
  • David Croft, Global Head of Sustainability, Reckit;
  • More speakers to be announced.

Organized by:

17:40 – 18:40 EET — Healthy Planet and Healthy People: Dairy Net Zero, A Call for Action

The global food production system is under unprecedented pressure. Dairy plays an important role in food security, nutrition and health as well as supporting livelihoods within the sector. Transforming dairy production systems across the value chain to reduce impact on the planet will be essential to securing the future of the sector. How are key stakeholders in the dairy value chain responding to these global food and climate challenges and working towards decarbonising the industry? In particular, how can working in partnership drive a sustainable future for dairy.


  • Malini Mehra, Chief Executive, GLOBE International secretariat.


  • Charles Brand, Executive Vice President Processing Solutions & Equipment, Tetra Pak;
  • Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam Institute;
  • Hanne Søndergaard, EVP Agriculture, Sustainability and Communication, Arla Foods;
  • Thanawat Tiensin, Director, Division of Animal Production and Health, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO);
  • Luis Alberto Villegas, Vice Minister Agricultural Affairs Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Colombia Government.

Organized by: 

19:00–20:00 EET — Re: Agriculture II

We Don’t Have Time and Unilever are proud to present Re: Agriculture II, the second episode in a series of 3 about how the world can feed itself while dealing with multiple challenges from climate change and the loss of precious plant and animal life to ensuring farmers and rural communities have sustainable lives and livelihoods. The focus of this series will be regenerative agriculture as the key to systems change and the delivery mechanism for a food and farming transformation.


  • Hanneke Faber, President, Unilever's Nutrition Business Group;
  • Louise Mabulo, Founder, The Cacao Project;
  • Irene Ojuok, Global Ever-greening, Alliance Ambassador;
  • Chris Buss, Director, IUCN;
  • Max Berkelmans, Business Consultant of Finance, Rabobank.

Organized by:

20:00–20:05 EET — NCX Forests as a Carbon Bridge to a Net Zero Future

Join us for this discussion, live from COP27.


  • Zack Parisa, Co-Founder & CEO, NCX;
  • Spencer Meyer, Head of Science, NCX.

Organized by:

20:30–21:00 EET — Wrap-up & Culture

We look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight interesting climate content on social media. With experts and interesting guests.


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder, We Don't Have Time;
  • David Olsson, Chief Operating Officer, We Don't Have Time;
  • Steph Molin, Actor;
  • Kim Stanley Robinson, Author;
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Youth Advisor & Climate Activist, We Don't Have Time;
  • Anita Soina, Climate Change Advocate & Activist, We Don't Have Time;
  • Nikka Gerona, UNICEF Young People’s Action Team, UN Intern, Climate Reality Leader.

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Program Highlights

All times in Eastern European Time (EET) Find your local time zone here.

Read the full program of our COP27 Climate Hub broadcast here. November 7November 8November 9November 10November 11November 12November 14November 15November 16November 17

Join us at our Stockholm, Nairobi and Washington DC hubs to watch it live.

15:30 EET – Section I: Nature positive by 2030 - Implementing the Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions and the Carbon law for nature

  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Maria Mendiluce, CEO, We Mean Business Coalition
  • Michael Wolosin, Managing Director, NCS Roadmap & Conservation International
  • Speakers to be added soon

Section II: Scaling plant-based food & cutting food waste

  • Gunhild Stordalen, Founder & Executive chair, EAT foundation
  • Speakers to be added soon

Section III: Faster scaling of regenerative agriculture

  • Owen Bethell, Environmental Impact Lead Global Public Affairs, Nestlé
  • Felipe Villela, Brazilian Regenerative Agribusiness Expert & Co-Founder, ReNature
  • Speakers to be added soon

Section IV: Sustainable forestry and scaling protection and restoration of nature  

  • Ulf Johansson, Global Wood Supply & Forestry Manager, IKEA
  • Santiago Gowland, CEO, Rainforest Alliance
  • Speakers to be added soon

18:00 EET – End of Broadcast

09:00 – 10:40 EET — Adaptation: Business opportunities and responsibilities

In recent years the world has witnessed the impacts of climate change rapidly intensifying with more severe, frequent and unpredictable extreme weather events, and a rising sea level that threatens communities and countries all over the world. The private sector has in many ways taken a leading role in the establishment of mitigatory efforts, but a similar business-led movement on adaptation still needs to be developed. This seminar will explore responsibilities and opportunities for businesses in climate change adaptation.


  • Linda Burenius, Head of Development, Global Challenges Foundation.


  • H.E. Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, The Maldives;
  • Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, Founder CEO, Council of Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW);
  • Eija Hietauvo, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Eric Usher, Head UNEP Finance Initiative, UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI);
  • Jan Svärd, CEO EasyMining part of Ragn-Sells Group, Ragn-Sells;
  • Jimena Leiva Roesch, Director of Global Initiatives and Head of Peace, Climate, and Sustainable Development, International Peace Institute (IPI);
  • Linda Burenius, Head of Development, Global Challenges Foundation (GCF);
  • Richard Klein, Team Leader: International Climate Risk and Adaptation; Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI);
  • Victor Bernard, Program Officer, Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI).

Organized by: 

10:30–11:30 EET — Nature’s Newsroom

Welcome to our morning show in partnership with the NGOs and organizations from the Nature Positive Pavilion. Join us for a discussion of recent updates and announcements, critical perspectives, and high-level speakers.

  • Leonardo Lacerda, Global Managing Director for Climate, The Nature Conservancy;
  • Judith Walcott, Senior Safeguards Specialist, UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre;
  • Jad Daley, President & CEO, American Forests;
  • Lukas Paltanavičius, Regenerative Advocate, Cycle to Farms;
  • Sylvia Kuria, Organic farmer in Kenya, Global Alliance for the Future of Food;
  • Betty Chinyamunyamu, CEO of National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi (NASFAM);
  • Heylin Reyes Sánche, Project Manager at Kábata Könana Indigenous Women Association;
  • Jenifer Chow, Senior Director, Climate-Resilient Food Systems, EDF;
  • Sudhanshu Sarronwala, Chief Impact Officer, Infarm;
  • Sam Teicher, Co-Founder & Chief Reef OfficerCoral Vita;
  • Rory Jordan, Deputy Director, Coral Research and Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP);
  • Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Hassan Hanafy, Suez Canal University/Hurghada Environmental Protection and conservation Association (HEPCA);
  • Prof. Maoz Fine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Organized by:

11:30–12:30 EET — UNDP Hour

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the COP27 conference and the most pressing climate concerns of our times. Join us as ministers, United Nations experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth activists from every corner of the globe discuss climate change from a human perspective.  This is 'The UNDP Hour.'


  • Elizabeth Gulugulu, YOUNGO Focal Point, UNFCCC


  • Alana Craigen, Climate Policy Coordinator, UNDP;
  • Rohini Kohli, Senior Technical Advisor on Climate Change Policy and Planning, UNDP;
  • Alik Mikaelian, Head of Solutions Mapping, UNDP;
  • Thoraya Seada, Director of the Carbon Footprint Center, Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development;
  • Radwa El Amir, Communications Lead, Mozare3;
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Programme Manager, Ericsson;
  • Drew FitzGerald, Co-Founder, 501CTHREE;
  • Professor Jay Lemery MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Colorado - School of Medicine;
  • Princess Esmeralda of Belgium, Journalist and Activist, Friendship Belgium;
  • Benjamin Van Buderen Robberechts, Activist, #ClimateJusticeForRosa.

Organized by:

12:00 – 12:40 EET — Call for collaboration: Developing climate resilient food system pathways

Too many initiatives try to solve the problem in front of them, causing other problems. Therefore, we would like to demonstrate the vision/goal towards how a climate resilient food system would look like. Based on that vision/goal we will then have examples of solutions that can bring the society in this direction. Given facts are that 90% of the population growth in/to cities will take place in Africa and Asia and 70% of the world population will live in cities by 2050. Today we produce 49% of the food we use in the aqua culture, this will increase a lot by 2050 according to FAO. But the way we produce food today, both on land and in the aqua culture is slowly but surely destroying the possibilites to produce the food we need.


  • Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining;
  • Elija Hietavuo, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Cibele Queiroz, PHD & Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Center.

Organized by: 

13:00–14:30 EET — We Can Do It! Growing Food & Restoring Earth

We can't solve the climate crisis if we don't solve our food crisis. How do we produce our food in a way that is financially sustainable for both farmers and consumers while restoring the earth and binding carbon to the soil? How do we encourage people to buy food that is nutritious and with a low carbon footprint? And what's the deal with food waste? In this session, we highlight some examples of how we can maintain healthy soils while farming and how we can inspire people to be more conscious about what they eat.


  • Brent Loken, Ph.D., Global Food Lead Scientist, WWF Global Science;
  • Sarah Schaefer, VP Sustainability Europe, Electrolux;
  • Claire Shrewsbury, Director Insights and Innovation, WRAP;
  • Joseph Yoon, Edible Insect Ambassador, Brooklyn Bugs;
  • Ole Kristian Sivertsen, President & Group CEO, Desert Control;
  • Saint-Francis Tohlang, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Director, East & Southern Africa Region, Nestle;
  • Naomi Ruhara, Founder, Greenshade Ventures;
  • Jayahari KM, PhD, Food and Land Use Coalition.

Organized by:

13:00 – 13:40 EET — Technological innovations accelerating circularity within the food value chain

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), about a third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted along the food supply chain from farm to fork. This also has a negative impact on food security and food availability. Addressing these challenges requires a systems approach that addresses a wide range of complex issues in a holistic and sustainable manner. For example, creating stronger local and circular food systems helps keep valuable natural resources, minerals and nutrients circulating, while adopting technologically innovative solutions to manage food quality and reduce food loss and waste is key to driving circularity. Businesses and policymakers must work together to transform the way the world produces and consumes food. What can companies deliver in terms of technology to solve these global challenges? How can policy come in to support? General Alfa Laval, Ragn-Sells and Tetra Pak, three Swedish technological leaders operating in the food sector, and the city of São Paulo (Brazil) will share game changing solutions in the field of regenerative agriculture, food losses, nutrient and water recoveries and discuss pathways for scaling up adoption of such innovations.


  • Reniera O’Donnell, Food Initiative Lead, Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Expected speakers:

  • Charles Brand, EVP Processing Solutions and Equipment , Tetra Pak;
  • Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining, part of RagnSells Group;
  • Brian Munch, VP BU Decanters, Product Management & Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Julia da Motta, Coordinator for Economic Development, City of São Paulo.

Organized by: 

14:30–15:00 EET — Defugo & Friends II

In this edition of Defugo & friends, we will talk about how we can include and empower farmers and small land owners to become stewards for sustainability. Introducing the give back platform, Defugo's CEO Dave Coleman will bring some of the land owners that participate on the platform on to our stage to talk about their opportunities and challenges.


  • David Coleman, Chairman, Defugo

Organized by:

14:00 – 14:40 EET — How can we produce sufficient, healthy, and affordable protein in a sustainable way to feed a global population of 11 billion people by 2050?

According to the UN Food & Agricultural Organisation, the world is likely to need another 70% more food to feed a population of almost 11 billion people by 2050. Today, food production accounts for a third of all greenhouse gas emission, and it is an imperative to also minimise the environmental impact of food production to close the gap to meet the demand for food in less than 30 years in a sustainable way.

Also, the world will need food, which is both sufficient in quantity, but also healthy and affordable. Plant-based foods will play a key role, but fertile farmland and clean water supplies are insufficient to provide for a transition to a plant-based diet as the only solution.

Protein is at the heart of the issue. To close the gap, we need far more healthy and affordable protein and to achieve this, we need new kinds of protein. So, how will we close the gap?


  • Sharyn Murry, Investor Engagement Manager, GFI.

Expected speakers:

  • Brian Munch, VP BU Decanters, Product Management & Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Charles Brand, EVP Processing Solutions & Equipment, Tetra Pak;
  • Sharyn Murray, Investor Engagement Manager, Good Food Institute;
  • Fengru L, Founder & CEO, TurtleTree.

Organized by: 

15:00 – 15:40 EET — Accelerating on-farm adoption of enteric emissions solutions

The dairy sector provides a vital source of global nutrition and supports the livelihoods of a billion people. Yet enteric emissions from the ruminant digestive process are also the largest single source of human-related methane. While farmers have made significant reductions in the methane intensity of dairy products through enhanced herd management, there is a need to scale enteric emission solutions that can make immediate and impactful reductions in enteric emissions.

European dairy cooperative Arla has made a sector-leading commitment to reduce methane emissions from their farmer-owners. Learn more about their new sustainability incentive program and how farmers are adopting on-farm climate practices. The panel will also explore the current state of enteric emission solutions and what additional research is needed to support farmer adoption of enteric emission solutions.


  • Angela Churie Kallhauge, EVP for Impact, Environmental Defense Fund.

Expected speakers:

  • Hanne Søndergaard, EVP, Agriculture, Sustainability & Communications, Arla;
  • Dr. Joseph McFadden, Associate Professor, Animal Science, Cornell University.

Organized by: 

15:30–18:00 EET — Exponential Solutions: Food & Nature – The race to nature positive by 2030

GHG emissions from food & land need to reach net zero by 2030, and we must end deforestation by 2025. This year the Exponential Roadmap Initiative partnered with scientists at Conservation International to publish the first roadmap to achieve this. This event brings together world leaders from science, policymakers and businesses. Read more.


  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-Founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Tessa Vincent, Engagement Lead, Race to Zero, High-Level Climate Champions;
  • Owen Gaffney, Co-Founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Michael Wolosin, Managing Director, NCS Roadmap & Conservation International;
  • Lasse Bruun, CEO, 50by40;
  • Susan Chomba, Director of Vital Landscapes for Africa, World Resources Institute;
  • Saint-Francis Tohlang, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Director, Nestlé East & Southern Africa Region;
  • Felipe Villela, Brazilian Regenerative Agribusiness Expert & Co-Founder, ReNature;
  • Ulf Johansson, Global Wood Supply & Forestry Manager, IKEA;
  • Mikael Karlsson, Associate Professor Climate Change Leadership, Uppsala University;
  • Eron Bloomgarden, CEO and founder of Emergent, Coordinator, The LEAF Coalition;
  • David Croft, Global Head of Sustainability, Reckit;
  • More speakers to be announced.

Organized by:

17:40 – 18:40 EET — Healthy Planet and Healthy People: Dairy Net Zero, A Call for Action

The global food production system is under unprecedented pressure. Dairy plays an important role in food security, nutrition and health as well as supporting livelihoods within the sector. Transforming dairy production systems across the value chain to reduce impact on the planet will be essential to securing the future of the sector. How are key stakeholders in the dairy value chain responding to these global food and climate challenges and working towards decarbonising the industry? In particular, how can working in partnership drive a sustainable future for dairy.


  • Malini Mehra, Chief Executive, GLOBE International secretariat.


  • Charles Brand, Executive Vice President Processing Solutions & Equipment, Tetra Pak;
  • Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam Institute;
  • Hanne Søndergaard, EVP Agriculture, Sustainability and Communication, Arla Foods;
  • Thanawat Tiensin, Director, Division of Animal Production and Health, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO);
  • Luis Alberto Villegas, Vice Minister Agricultural Affairs Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Colombia Government.

Organized by: 

19:00–20:00 EET — Re: Agriculture II

We Don’t Have Time and Unilever are proud to present Re: Agriculture II, the second episode in a series of 3 about how the world can feed itself while dealing with multiple challenges from climate change and the loss of precious plant and animal life to ensuring farmers and rural communities have sustainable lives and livelihoods. The focus of this series will be regenerative agriculture as the key to systems change and the delivery mechanism for a food and farming transformation.


  • Hanneke Faber, President, Unilever's Nutrition Business Group;
  • Louise Mabulo, Founder, The Cacao Project;
  • Irene Ojuok, Global Ever-greening, Alliance Ambassador;
  • Chris Buss, Director, IUCN;
  • Max Berkelmans, Business Consultant of Finance, Rabobank.

Organized by:

20:00–20:05 EET — NCX Forests as a Carbon Bridge to a Net Zero Future

Join us for this discussion, live from COP27.


  • Zack Parisa, Co-Founder & CEO, NCX;
  • Spencer Meyer, Head of Science, NCX.

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20:30–21:00 EET — Wrap-up & Culture

We look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight interesting climate content on social media. With experts and interesting guests.


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder, We Don't Have Time;
  • David Olsson, Chief Operating Officer, We Don't Have Time;
  • Steph Molin, Actor;
  • Kim Stanley Robinson, Author;
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Youth Advisor & Climate Activist, We Don't Have Time;
  • Anita Soina, Climate Change Advocate & Activist, We Don't Have Time;
  • Nikka Gerona, UNICEF Young People’s Action Team, UN Intern, Climate Reality Leader.

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Day 6, Exponential Solutions: Food & Nature


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson


Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

Selected speakers

Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business.

María Mendiluce

CEO, We Mean Business Coalition

María Mendiluce is the CEO of the We Mean Business Coalition and has 25 years of experience in sustainable development, energy, and climate action. The Coalition brings together seven leading international organizations: BSR, The B Team, CDP, Ceres, CLG Europe, Climate Group, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). She sits on the Executive Board of the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) which has over 2,800 companies engaged. She actively took part in the founding and is a member of the Board of the Mission Possible Partnership that works to develop decarbonization roadmaps for seven hard-to-abate sectors including cement and steel. María also co-founded the SME Climate Hub which is building a one-stop shop for smaller companies for their net-zero commitments. Formerly being the Managing Director and member of the Senior Management Team at WBCSD, María established transformative industry projects. She has also held senior positions at the Economic Bureau of the Spanish Prime Minister, in the CEO’s office of Iberdrola, and at the International Energy Agency.

Michael Wolosin

Managing Director, NCS Roadmap, Conservation International

Michael Wolosin is a Managing Director for Conservation International’s Moore Center for Science, where he leads and coordinates the design and delivery of CI’s Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions. Prior to joining Conservation International, Michael spent six years as President of Forest Climate Analytics, where he worked with many of the world's top NGOs, think tanks, foundations, governments, and international institutions on strategic analyses to turn forest knowledge and science into climate action. Michael did his doctoral research in forest ecology at Duke University, studying light competition and tree growth using advanced remote sensing and statistical techniques. He has authored dozens of reports, briefs, analyses, and peer-reviewed papers, and has been quoted extensively in the press. He is based in Washington, DC.

Dr. Gunhild Stordalen

Founder and Executive Chair, EAT

Dr. Gunhild A. Stordalen is the Founder and Executive Chair of EAT, the science-based global platform for food system transformation. She is a board member and/or advisor to the United Nation’s Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Lead Group, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Stewardship Board on Food Systems, and sits on the International Advisory Board of the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC). She is an ambassador for Friends of Ocean Action and a member of the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (HLP) for the Blue Economy. In 2019, Dr. Stordalen was the recipient of the UN Foundation’s Global Leadership Award, and in 2021 she was the Chair of the 2021 UN Food System Summit’s Action Track 2: Shifting to Healthy and Sustainable Consumption Patterns.

Owen Bethell

Senior Manager Environmental Impact Global Public Affairs, Nestlé

Owen manages Nestlé’s global climate change, nature and water related advocacy, communications and engagement activities. He is also responsible for topics related to animal welfare within the Public Affairs and ESG Engagement team. In this role, Owen advises and guide’s Nestlé interactions with multi-lateral institutions, business associations and other coalitions of action on the environmental agenda – supporting the company’s aim to advance regenerative food systems at scale. Prior to taking on this role, Owen headed up Nestlé’s global issue and crisis management function. Before joining Nestlé, Owen advised clients in the food, agriculture and health sectors on corporate communications and public affairs programs.


Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson

Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Selected speakers

Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business. less
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María Mendiluce

CEO, We Mean Business Coalition

María Mendiluce is the CEO of the We Mean Business Coalition and has 25 years of experience in sustainable development, energy, and climate action. The Coalition brings together seven leading international organizations: BSR, The B Team, CDP, Ceres, CLG Europe, Climate Group, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). She sits on the Executive Board of the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) which has over 2,800 companies engaged. She actively took part in the founding and is a member of the Board of the Mission Possible Partnership that works to develop decarbonization roadmaps for seven hard-to-abate sectors including cement and steel. María also co-founded the SME Climate Hub which is building a one-stop shop for smaller companies for their net-zero commitments. Formerly being the Managing Director and member of the Senior Management Team at WBCSD, María established transformative industry projects. She has also held senior positions at the Economic Bureau of the Spanish Prime Minister, in the CEO’s office of Iberdrola, and at the International Energy Agency.

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Michael Wolosin

Managing Director, NCS Roadmap, Conservation International

Michael Wolosin is a Managing Director for Conservation International’s Moore Center for Science, where he leads and coordinates the design and delivery of CI’s Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions. Prior to joining Conservation International, Michael spent six years as President of Forest Climate Analytics, where he worked with many of the world's top NGOs, think tanks, foundations, governments, and international institutions on strategic analyses to turn forest knowledge and science into climate action. Michael did his doctoral research in forest ecology at Duke University, studying light competition and tree growth using advanced remote sensing and statistical techniques. He has authored dozens of reports, briefs, analyses, and peer-reviewed papers, and has been quoted extensively in the press. He is based in Washington, DC.

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Dr. Gunhild Stordalen

Founder and Executive Chair, EAT

Dr. Gunhild A. Stordalen is the Founder and Executive Chair of EAT, the science-based global platform for food system transformation. She is a board member and/or advisor to the United Nation’s Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Lead Group, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Stewardship Board on Food Systems, and sits on the International Advisory Board of the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC). She is an ambassador for Friends of Ocean Action and a member of the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (HLP) for the Blue Economy. In 2019, Dr. Stordalen was the recipient of the UN Foundation’s Global Leadership Award, and in 2021 she was the Chair of the 2021 UN Food System Summit’s Action Track 2: Shifting to Healthy and Sustainable Consumption Patterns.

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Owen Bethell

Senior Manager Environmental Impact Global Public Affairs, Nestlé

Owen manages Nestlé’s global climate change, nature and water related advocacy, communications and engagement activities. He is also responsible for topics related to animal welfare within the Public Affairs and ESG Engagement team. In this role, Owen advises and guide’s Nestlé interactions with multi-lateral institutions, business associations and other coalitions of action on the environmental agenda – supporting the company’s aim to advance regenerative food systems at scale. Prior to taking on this role, Owen headed up Nestlé’s global issue and crisis management function. Before joining Nestlé, Owen advised clients in the food, agriculture and health sectors on corporate communications and public affairs programs.

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Day 6, Exponential Solutions: Food & Nature

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Day 6, Exponential Solutions: Food & Nature


We Don't Have Time is the world's largest social media for climate action. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue  with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative brings together innovators, transformers and disruptors taking action in line with 1.5°C, with the mission to halve emissions before 2030 through exponential climate action and solutions. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative is an accredited partner of the United Nations’ Race To Zero, and a founding partner of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders and the SME Climate Hub.

The 1.5°C Business Playbook is a guideline for companies and organisations of all sizes to set a 1.5°C aligned strategy and move to action. Focusing on simplicity and speed, it is anchored in the latest science.

The Exponential Roadmap highlights 36 solutions with exponential scaling potential to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. It shows how we can build a stronger, more resilient and future-proof global economy and increase human prosperity and wealth- within the planetary boundaries.

The SME Climate Hub is a global initiative that aims to mainstream climate action in the small to medium sized business community, and enable SMEs to build more resilient businesses through climate action. The initiative provides the tools and resources SMEs need to reduce their emissions and measure their progress towards net zero. The SME Climate Commitment is the official pathway for small and medium sized businesses to join the United Nations global Race to Zero campaign.

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