November 10, 2022













November 10, 2022











November 10, 2022

Day 4, Science & Youth

COP27 Climate Hub – Day 4














November 10, 2022












November 10, 2022

Day 4, Science & Youth

COP27 Climate Hub – Day 4

Live from COP27 – welcome to our public broadcasting hub at UN’s Climate Change Conference 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Together with our partners, we will explore crucial topics connected to the climate crisis, biodiversity, nature-based solutions and the green transformation of business and society.  Click here for the full day-by-day program.

Register to participate online or in our physical hubs in Nairobi, Washington DC, and Stockholm here

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The best way to experience our broadcasts is with the help of our app. Download our app and join the dialogue: 📲 Apple App Store 📲 Google Play 🌐 Web app (browser version)

10:00–11:00 EET — COP27 meeting: European Green Digital Coalition

This session showcases the progress made by the European Green Digital Coalition which consists of companies that commit to support the Green and Digital Transformation of the European Union.

Organized by:

10:00–11:00 EET — The Paris Agreement Implementation & Compliance Committee & the Operation of the Paris Agreement

Organized by:

10:20 – 11:40 EET — Mind the gap: Addressing accuracy in carbon emission reporting

More businesses than ever are committing to net-zero – yet global emissions continue to increase. How can this be so? One key factor is the accuracy gap: the delta between the emissions organisations think they are producing and the emissions they are actually producing. When businesses don’t calculate their full emissions, the resulting blind spots lead to inadequate reduction measures, underreported emissions, and insufficient climate targets. This not only prevents businesses from effectively fighting climate change, but also blocks business opportunities and endangers brand equity. In short, flawed calculations lead to flawed results – which can expose businesses to severe consequences.


  • Cassandra Julin, Head of Global PR & Communications, Normative

Expected speakers:

  • Kristian Rönn, CEO, Normative;
  • Martin Pei, Chief Technology Officer, SSAB;
  • Anders Egelrud, CEO, Stockholm Exergi;
  • Lisa Bolin, Climate Lead, Polestar;
  • Jonas Otterheim, Head of Climate Action, Volvo Cars;
  • Jenny Järnfeldt Nordh, ESG Director, Einride;
  • Erika Sundell, Impact Manager, Doconomy.

Organized by: 


10:30–11:30 EET — Nature’s Newsroom

Welcome to our morning show in partnership with the NGOs and organizations from the Nature Positive Pavilion. Join us for a discussion of recent updates and announcements, critical perspectives, and high-level speakers.


  • Irene Ojuok, Ambassador, FMNR Expert, Global EverGreening Alliance;
  • Chris Armitage, CEO, Global Evergreening Alliance;
  • Slav Gatchev, Managing Director, Sustainable Debt, NatureVest;
  • Nigel Topping, High-Level Climate Champion, UNFCCC;
  • Ms Mariam Almheiri, Minister of Environment and Climate of the United Arab Emirates;
  • Jennifer Morris, Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy;
  • Mr. Stewart Maginnis, Deputy Director General - Programme, The International Union for Conservation of Nature;
  • José Gregorio Díaz, General Coordinator, The Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA);'
  • Carlos Zegarra, Executive Director, Sachamama
  • Ana Guzman, Communication Manager Latin America,The Nature Conservancy;
  • Nina Gualinga, Indigenous Environmental and Human Rights Activist, Kichwa de Sarayaku Community;
  • Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

Organized by:

11:30–12:30 EET — UNDP Hour

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the COP27 conference and the most pressing climate concerns of our times. Join us as ministers, United Nations experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth activists from every corner of the globe discuss climate change from a human perspective.  This is 'The UNDP Hour.'


  • Matt Tranchin, President, March for Science. 


  • Sameera Salvarala, Programme Specialist, NDCs and Negotiations, UNDP;
  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP;
  • H.E. Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Maldives;
  • Matt Tranchin, President, March for Science; 
  • Heeta Lakhani, Co-Founder, Youth Negotiators Academy; 
  • Marie-Claire Graf, Co-Founder, Youth Negotiators Academy; 
  • Nathan Méténier, Youth Advisor, United Nations;
  • Paloma Costa, Youth Advisor, United Nations; 
  • Emilie Öhlander, Climate Action Programme Manager, Ericsson; 
  • Maximo Mazzocco, Generation 17 Young Leader, UNDP;
  • AY Young, Generation 17 Young Leader, UNDP;
  • Daniel Calarco,Generation 17 Young Leader, UNDP;
  • Frankie the Dino, Climate Activist, UNDP.

Organized by:

13:00–15:00 EET — We Can Do It! Science & Youth

In this segment, we take a closer look at the role of youth and science in the fight against climate change. We’ll be hearing from scientific experts and youth activists who are both implementing novel solutions and spreading awareness on the impacts of global warming worldwide.


  • Peter Fiekowsky, Founder and Chairperson Emeritus, Foundation for Climate Restoration; 
  • Alon Schocron, Head, Israel's Environmental Youth Union; 
  • Susana Hancock, Professor, The Jubilee Expedition; 
  • Tzeporah Berman, Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Treaty; 
  • Patick Kiarie, Representative Kenya Chapter, We Don't Have Time;
  • Marie-Claire Graf, Co-Founder, Youth Negotiators Academy; 
  • Omar Malmo Sambou, Founder & Chairperson, Sustainability Alliance Gambia; 
  • Maria Cecilia Quaglino, Young Negotiator, Climate Youth Negotiator Programme; 
  • Lydia Birtwistle-Sawyer, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, COP26, United Nations Climate Change Conference;
  • Maya Mailer, Co-director, Our Kids’ Climate; 
  • Xoli Fuyani, Climate Parent Fellow, Our Kids’Climate; 
  • Åsa Sandberg, Project Manager, We Don't Have Time
  • Asha Eaton; Immerse UK Lead, KTN;
  • Devika Gopal Agge, Chief Development & Marketing Officer, Health in Harmony; 
  • Dr. Wayne Walker, Senior Scientist and Carbon Program Director, Woodwell Climate;
  • Laetania Belai Djandam, Indigenous Environmental Activist, Health In Harmony. 

Organized by:

13:00 – 13:40 EET — From Stockholm+50 to COP27 and Beyond: Shaping Youth-Inclusive Processes in a Just and Fair Transition

Organized by:

14:00 – 14:40 EET — The role of digitalisation in the transition to net-zero

Decarbonisation and digitalisation are megatrends that will force sectors and industries to undergo structural change and fundamentally alter traditional business models. Are we using the data to produce new innovations toward decarbonisation?


  • Anna Celsing, Chief Sustainability Officer, Alfa Laval;
  • Jennie Cato, Head of Public Affairs & Partnerships, Scania;
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson;
  • Alexander Schmidt,  Head of Science and Climate Research, Normative.

Organized by: 

Alfa Laval

15:30–18:30 EET — Exponential Climate Action Summit VII: Science & Solutions

In this segment, hosted between We Don’t Have Time, Ericsson, and Exponential Roadmap Initiative, we’ll be looking at how we can exponentially scale scientific solutions across the private and public sectors to rapidly increase our odds of meeting a global net zero climate. We’ll be hearing from scientists, conservationists, and leaders of internationally reaching businesses on how they’re making climate action exponential! Read more.


  • Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne, NewClimate Institute;
  • Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;
  • Michael Wolosin, Managing Director, NCS Roadmap, Conservation International;
  • Eron Bloomgarden, CEO, Emergent;
  • Dr. Shobha Maharaj, Science Director, Terraformation;
  • Erik Rylander, Head of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Stockholm Exergi;
  • Pedro Martins Barata, Associate Vice President, Carbon Markets and Private Sector Decarbonization, Environmental Defense Fund;
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson;
  • Åsa Tamson, Head of Business Area Technologies and New Business, Ericsson;
  • Kate Brandt, Chief Sustainability Officer, Google;
  • Patrick Blankers, Sustainability manager, Ericsson;
  • Patrick Flynn, SVP, Global Head of Sustainability, Salesforce;
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Steven Moore, Head of Climate Action, GSMA;
  • Niklas Gustafsson, Head of Regulatory and Policy Affairs, Volvo Group;
  • Jane Akumu, Programme Management Officer, UNEP;
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson;
  • Karin Wessman, Head of Sustainability, EKN, the Swedish Export Credit Agency;
  • Marina Madale, GM: Sustainability and Shared Value, MTN;
  • Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden;
  • Mattias Frumerie, Head of Delegation to UNFCCC, Swedish Ministry of Environment;
  • Sherri Goodman, Vice Chair, U. S. Secretary of State International Security Advisory Board;
  • Sophia Kianni, Founder, Climate Cardinals;
  • Judith Gough, UK Ambassador, Sweden.

Organized by:

15:00 – 15:40 EET — The Swedish industry transition - Fossil-free steel to change the world

How can partnerships and value-chain perspective across sectors contribute to drive accelerated decarbonisation? And what is the role of steel? This seminar will highlight how fossil fuel-free steel will play a role in decarbonising value-chains in different sectors – and how important partnerships and collaboration between companies and between the private and public sector enables an accelerated transition. Join SSAB, Alfa Laval, Volvo Cars, the Swedish Energy Agency, and PEAB to get insights and inspiration on what is both possible and necessary.


  • Robert Watt, Stockholm Environment Institute

Expected speakers:  

  • Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval;
  • Martina Montesino Malmberg, Programme Manager Industry, Swedish Energy Agency;
  • Martin Pei, EVP & CTO, SSAB;
  • Linnea Petersson, Manager Sustainable Materials Strategy, Volvo Cars;
  • Anna Högberg, Climate Specialist, Peab;
  • Annika Ramsköld, VP Corporate Sustainability, Vattenfall;
  • Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Swedish government.

Organized by: 


16:00 – 17:00 EET — Carbon capture and storage

Gather relevant stakeholders to discuss a market framework for negative emissions and the possibilities and challenges. How do we maximize private funding and minimize state funding to optimise negative emissions. How do we ensure the capture process is cost-efficient.


  • Anders Egelrud, CEO, Stockholm Exergi;
  • Fredrik Ekström, President Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq;
  • Kristian Rönn, CEO and Co-Founder, Normative;
  • Niclas Carlsson, Director International Market Development, Swedish Energy Agency;
  • Pär Larshans, Ragn-Sells;
  • Madeleine Gilborne, Head of Clean Technologies, VP Energy Division, Alfa Laval.

Organized by: 

Stockholm Exergi

17:20 – 18:00 EET — Individual versus industrial change: who's responsible for reaching global net-zero emissions

Humanity has a limited window in which we can hope to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Most, if not all, people in the Western world need to change their behaviour drastically for us to reach net-zero emissions. What has been lacking to do so is access to information on what one’s individual lifestyle footprint is, but we now have the ability to democratise access to this type of data. But even though conspicuous consumption and excessive lifestyle habits make up a great proportion of the global footprint, an individual change in behaviour won’t solely solve the climate crisis. We also need to link individual consumption to industrial level emissions, so individuals and industry together can achieve change at scale. The two need to be triangulated, particularly without necessary regulation for environmental calculations currently in place. In this seminar, we will discuss individual versus industrial change and who’s responsible for reaching global net-zero emissions.


  • Spotify - To be confirmed
  • Anna Celsing, VP Group Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Eija Hietavuo, VP Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Katarina Wangler Björk, Applied Impact Partnership Manager, Doconomy.

Organized by: 


18:20 – 19:00 EET — Science + fiction: How can storytelling be used to fight climate change?

If we can dream it we can do it. How can storytelling be used to raise awareness and drive action on climate change? Netflix and Spotify shares how they have worked with Climate Storytelling and what role science plays.


  • Hanna Grahn, Climate Action Program Lead, Spotify

Expected speakers:

  • Emma Stewart, Sustainability Officer, Netflix;
  • Andrew Merrie, Head of Futures, Planethon;
  • Ebba Grythberg, Head of Sustainability, Spotify.

Organized by: 


19:00–20:30 EET — Dragonfly’s Den

To solve the climate crisis, we need to share new innovations and ideas, and we need them to scale. During the Dragonfly’s Den, entrepreneurs, project managers, and thought leaders pitch their climate ideas and innovations in front of a panel of climate communication experts. The overall winner will receive a prize that will further help to amplify the solution.

With pitches from:

  • Shamini Selvaratnam, Lead Energy Partnerships, Sustainable Energy Hub, UNDP;
  • Christina "Chris" Ferzli, Vice President, Global Head of Public Affairs and ESG, WeWork;
  • Wessel van Eeden, Global communication and marketing director & Executive board member, Justdiggit;
  • Neil van Niekerk, Executive Director, 2DegreesC;
  • Jenny Dissen, Director of Strategy, 2DegreesC;
  • Aimee Thompson, CTO, Loop Farms;
  • Julie Rosenfeld, COO, Loop Farms;
  • Ivar Aune, CEO, SiriNoR AS;
  • Christoph Beuttler, Chief Climate Policy Officer, Climeworks;
  • David Coleman
  • Lennox Omondi, CEO & Founder, Eco-Bana Limited.

Organized by:

20:30–21:00 EET — Wrap-up & Culture

We look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight interesting climate content on social media. With experts and interesting guests.


  • Ingmar Rentzhog CEO & Co-founder We Don't Have Time;
  • John D. Liu, Film-maker;
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Climate Activist & Youth Advisor, We Don't Have Time;
  • Anita Soina, Environmental Warrior, Founder Spice Warriors;
  • Nikka Gerona, Climate Advocate, YOUNGO;
  • Åsa Sandberg, Event Manager, We Don't Have Time;
  • Simon Bergbom, Head of US Operations, We Don't Have Time;
  • Patrick Kiarie, Regional Manager Kenya, We Don't Have Time;
  • Sirintip, Artist.

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COP27 Climate Hub Program – Nov 10

All times in Eastern European Time (EET) Find your local time zone here.

This broadcast is part of the COP27 Climate Hub. Full day-by-day program. November 7November 8November 9November 10November 11November 12November 14November 15November 16November 17

Join us at our Stockholm, Nairobi and Washington DC hubs to watch it live.

10:00–11:00 EET — COP27 meeting: European Green Digital Coalition

This session showcases the progress made by the European Green Digital Coalition which consists of companies that commit to support the Green and Digital Transformation of the European Union.

Organized by:

10:00–11:00 EET — The Paris Agreement Implementation & Compliance Committee & the Operation of the Paris Agreement

Organized by:

10:20 – 11:40 EET — Mind the gap: Addressing accuracy in carbon emission reporting

More businesses than ever are committing to net-zero – yet global emissions continue to increase. How can this be so? One key factor is the accuracy gap: the delta between the emissions organisations think they are producing and the emissions they are actually producing. When businesses don’t calculate their full emissions, the resulting blind spots lead to inadequate reduction measures, underreported emissions, and insufficient climate targets. This not only prevents businesses from effectively fighting climate change, but also blocks business opportunities and endangers brand equity. In short, flawed calculations lead to flawed results – which can expose businesses to severe consequences.


  • Cassandra Julin, Head of Global PR & Communications, Normative

Expected speakers:

  • Kristian Rönn, CEO, Normative;
  • Martin Pei, Chief Technology Officer, SSAB;
  • Anders Egelrud, CEO, Stockholm Exergi;
  • Lisa Bolin, Climate Lead, Polestar;
  • Jonas Otterheim, Head of Climate Action, Volvo Cars;
  • Jenny Järnfeldt Nordh, ESG Director, Einride;
  • Erika Sundell, Impact Manager, Doconomy.

Organized by: 


10:30–11:30 EET — Nature’s Newsroom

Welcome to our morning show in partnership with the NGOs and organizations from the Nature Positive Pavilion. Join us for a discussion of recent updates and announcements, critical perspectives, and high-level speakers.


  • Irene Ojuok, Ambassador, FMNR Expert, Global EverGreening Alliance;
  • Chris Armitage, CEO, Global Evergreening Alliance;
  • Slav Gatchev, Managing Director, Sustainable Debt, NatureVest;
  • Nigel Topping, High-Level Climate Champion, UNFCCC;
  • Ms Mariam Almheiri, Minister of Environment and Climate of the United Arab Emirates;
  • Jennifer Morris, Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy;
  • Mr. Stewart Maginnis, Deputy Director General - Programme, The International Union for Conservation of Nature;
  • José Gregorio Díaz, General Coordinator, The Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA);'
  • Carlos Zegarra, Executive Director, Sachamama
  • Ana Guzman, Communication Manager Latin America,The Nature Conservancy;
  • Nina Gualinga, Indigenous Environmental and Human Rights Activist, Kichwa de Sarayaku Community;
  • Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

Organized by:

11:30–12:30 EET — UNDP Hour

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the COP27 conference and the most pressing climate concerns of our times. Join us as ministers, United Nations experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth activists from every corner of the globe discuss climate change from a human perspective.  This is 'The UNDP Hour.'


  • Matt Tranchin, President, March for Science. 


  • Sameera Salvarala, Programme Specialist, NDCs and Negotiations, UNDP;
  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP;
  • H.E. Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Maldives;
  • Matt Tranchin, President, March for Science; 
  • Heeta Lakhani, Co-Founder, Youth Negotiators Academy; 
  • Marie-Claire Graf, Co-Founder, Youth Negotiators Academy; 
  • Nathan Méténier, Youth Advisor, United Nations;
  • Paloma Costa, Youth Advisor, United Nations; 
  • Emilie Öhlander, Climate Action Programme Manager, Ericsson; 
  • Maximo Mazzocco, Generation 17 Young Leader, UNDP;
  • AY Young, Generation 17 Young Leader, UNDP;
  • Daniel Calarco,Generation 17 Young Leader, UNDP;
  • Frankie the Dino, Climate Activist, UNDP.

Organized by:

13:00–15:00 EET — We Can Do It! Science & Youth

In this segment, we take a closer look at the role of youth and science in the fight against climate change. We’ll be hearing from scientific experts and youth activists who are both implementing novel solutions and spreading awareness on the impacts of global warming worldwide.


  • Peter Fiekowsky, Founder and Chairperson Emeritus, Foundation for Climate Restoration; 
  • Alon Schocron, Head, Israel's Environmental Youth Union; 
  • Susana Hancock, Professor, The Jubilee Expedition; 
  • Tzeporah Berman, Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Treaty; 
  • Patick Kiarie, Representative Kenya Chapter, We Don't Have Time;
  • Marie-Claire Graf, Co-Founder, Youth Negotiators Academy; 
  • Omar Malmo Sambou, Founder & Chairperson, Sustainability Alliance Gambia; 
  • Maria Cecilia Quaglino, Young Negotiator, Climate Youth Negotiator Programme; 
  • Lydia Birtwistle-Sawyer, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, COP26, United Nations Climate Change Conference;
  • Maya Mailer, Co-director, Our Kids’ Climate; 
  • Xoli Fuyani, Climate Parent Fellow, Our Kids’Climate; 
  • Åsa Sandberg, Project Manager, We Don't Have Time
  • Asha Eaton; Immerse UK Lead, KTN;
  • Devika Gopal Agge, Chief Development & Marketing Officer, Health in Harmony; 
  • Dr. Wayne Walker, Senior Scientist and Carbon Program Director, Woodwell Climate;
  • Laetania Belai Djandam, Indigenous Environmental Activist, Health In Harmony. 

Organized by:

13:00 – 13:40 EET — From Stockholm+50 to COP27 and Beyond: Shaping Youth-Inclusive Processes in a Just and Fair Transition

Organized by:

14:00 – 14:40 EET — The role of digitalisation in the transition to net-zero

Decarbonisation and digitalisation are megatrends that will force sectors and industries to undergo structural change and fundamentally alter traditional business models. Are we using the data to produce new innovations toward decarbonisation?


  • Anna Celsing, Chief Sustainability Officer, Alfa Laval;
  • Jennie Cato, Head of Public Affairs & Partnerships, Scania;
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson;
  • Alexander Schmidt,  Head of Science and Climate Research, Normative.

Organized by: 

Alfa Laval

15:30–18:30 EET — Exponential Climate Action Summit VII: Science & Solutions

In this segment, hosted between We Don’t Have Time, Ericsson, and Exponential Roadmap Initiative, we’ll be looking at how we can exponentially scale scientific solutions across the private and public sectors to rapidly increase our odds of meeting a global net zero climate. We’ll be hearing from scientists, conservationists, and leaders of internationally reaching businesses on how they’re making climate action exponential! Read more.


  • Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne, NewClimate Institute;
  • Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;
  • Michael Wolosin, Managing Director, NCS Roadmap, Conservation International;
  • Eron Bloomgarden, CEO, Emergent;
  • Dr. Shobha Maharaj, Science Director, Terraformation;
  • Erik Rylander, Head of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Stockholm Exergi;
  • Pedro Martins Barata, Associate Vice President, Carbon Markets and Private Sector Decarbonization, Environmental Defense Fund;
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson;
  • Åsa Tamson, Head of Business Area Technologies and New Business, Ericsson;
  • Kate Brandt, Chief Sustainability Officer, Google;
  • Patrick Blankers, Sustainability manager, Ericsson;
  • Patrick Flynn, SVP, Global Head of Sustainability, Salesforce;
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Steven Moore, Head of Climate Action, GSMA;
  • Niklas Gustafsson, Head of Regulatory and Policy Affairs, Volvo Group;
  • Jane Akumu, Programme Management Officer, UNEP;
  • Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson;
  • Karin Wessman, Head of Sustainability, EKN, the Swedish Export Credit Agency;
  • Marina Madale, GM: Sustainability and Shared Value, MTN;
  • Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden;
  • Mattias Frumerie, Head of Delegation to UNFCCC, Swedish Ministry of Environment;
  • Sherri Goodman, Vice Chair, U. S. Secretary of State International Security Advisory Board;
  • Sophia Kianni, Founder, Climate Cardinals;
  • Judith Gough, UK Ambassador, Sweden.

Organized by:

15:00 – 15:40 EET — The Swedish industry transition - Fossil-free steel to change the world

How can partnerships and value-chain perspective across sectors contribute to drive accelerated decarbonisation? And what is the role of steel? This seminar will highlight how fossil fuel-free steel will play a role in decarbonising value-chains in different sectors – and how important partnerships and collaboration between companies and between the private and public sector enables an accelerated transition. Join SSAB, Alfa Laval, Volvo Cars, the Swedish Energy Agency, and PEAB to get insights and inspiration on what is both possible and necessary.


  • Robert Watt, Stockholm Environment Institute

Expected speakers:  

  • Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval;
  • Martina Montesino Malmberg, Programme Manager Industry, Swedish Energy Agency;
  • Martin Pei, EVP & CTO, SSAB;
  • Linnea Petersson, Manager Sustainable Materials Strategy, Volvo Cars;
  • Anna Högberg, Climate Specialist, Peab;
  • Annika Ramsköld, VP Corporate Sustainability, Vattenfall;
  • Johan Forssell, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Swedish government.

Organized by: 


16:00 – 17:00 EET — Carbon capture and storage

Gather relevant stakeholders to discuss a market framework for negative emissions and the possibilities and challenges. How do we maximize private funding and minimize state funding to optimise negative emissions. How do we ensure the capture process is cost-efficient.


  • Anders Egelrud, CEO, Stockholm Exergi;
  • Fredrik Ekström, President Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq;
  • Kristian Rönn, CEO and Co-Founder, Normative;
  • Niclas Carlsson, Director International Market Development, Swedish Energy Agency;
  • Pär Larshans, Ragn-Sells;
  • Madeleine Gilborne, Head of Clean Technologies, VP Energy Division, Alfa Laval.

Organized by: 

Stockholm Exergi

17:20 – 18:00 EET — Individual versus industrial change: who's responsible for reaching global net-zero emissions

Humanity has a limited window in which we can hope to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Most, if not all, people in the Western world need to change their behaviour drastically for us to reach net-zero emissions. What has been lacking to do so is access to information on what one’s individual lifestyle footprint is, but we now have the ability to democratise access to this type of data. But even though conspicuous consumption and excessive lifestyle habits make up a great proportion of the global footprint, an individual change in behaviour won’t solely solve the climate crisis. We also need to link individual consumption to industrial level emissions, so individuals and industry together can achieve change at scale. The two need to be triangulated, particularly without necessary regulation for environmental calculations currently in place. In this seminar, we will discuss individual versus industrial change and who’s responsible for reaching global net-zero emissions.


  • Spotify - To be confirmed
  • Anna Celsing, VP Group Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Eija Hietavuo, VP Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Katarina Wangler Björk, Applied Impact Partnership Manager, Doconomy.

Organized by: 


18:20 – 19:00 EET — Science + fiction: How can storytelling be used to fight climate change?

If we can dream it we can do it. How can storytelling be used to raise awareness and drive action on climate change? Netflix and Spotify shares how they have worked with Climate Storytelling and what role science plays.


  • Hanna Grahn, Climate Action Program Lead, Spotify

Expected speakers:

  • Emma Stewart, Sustainability Officer, Netflix;
  • Andrew Merrie, Head of Futures, Planethon;
  • Ebba Grythberg, Head of Sustainability, Spotify.

Organized by: 


19:00–20:30 EET — Dragonfly’s Den

To solve the climate crisis, we need to share new innovations and ideas, and we need them to scale. During the Dragonfly’s Den, entrepreneurs, project managers, and thought leaders pitch their climate ideas and innovations in front of a panel of climate communication experts. The overall winner will receive a prize that will further help to amplify the solution.

With pitches from:

  • Shamini Selvaratnam, Lead Energy Partnerships, Sustainable Energy Hub, UNDP;
  • Christina "Chris" Ferzli, Vice President, Global Head of Public Affairs and ESG, WeWork;
  • Wessel van Eeden, Global communication and marketing director & Executive board member, Justdiggit;
  • Neil van Niekerk, Executive Director, 2DegreesC;
  • Jenny Dissen, Director of Strategy, 2DegreesC;
  • Aimee Thompson, CTO, Loop Farms;
  • Julie Rosenfeld, COO, Loop Farms;
  • Ivar Aune, CEO, SiriNoR AS;
  • Christoph Beuttler, Chief Climate Policy Officer, Climeworks;
  • David Coleman
  • Lennox Omondi, CEO & Founder, Eco-Bana Limited.

Organized by:

20:30–21:00 EET — Wrap-up & Culture

We look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight interesting climate content on social media. With experts and interesting guests.


  • Ingmar Rentzhog CEO & Co-founder We Don't Have Time;
  • John D. Liu, Film-maker;
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Climate Activist & Youth Advisor, We Don't Have Time;
  • Anita Soina, Environmental Warrior, Founder Spice Warriors;
  • Nikka Gerona, Climate Advocate, YOUNGO;
  • Åsa Sandberg, Event Manager, We Don't Have Time;
  • Simon Bergbom, Head of US Operations, We Don't Have Time;
  • Patrick Kiarie, Regional Manager Kenya, We Don't Have Time;
  • Sirintip, Artist.

Organized by:

Day 4, Science & Youth


Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson


Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty


Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

Selected speakers

Cassie Flynn

Global Director of Climate Change, UNDP

Cassie Flynn is the Global Director of Climate Change at UNDP. The portfolio supports over 150 countries to take bold climate action. She previously served as the Strategic Advisor on climate change to UNDP’s Administrator and Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister of Fiji as COP23 President. Cassie is an internationally recognized expert on the treaty negotiations on climate change and has been a featured expert by CNN, BBC, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde, New York Times, and other publications. Cassie earned her master's degree from Yale University and undergraduate degrees from Bowdoin College.

Emelie Öhlander

Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson

Emelie Öhlander is the Climate Action Program Manager at Ericsson, with responsibility for executing the climate strategy and Net Zero program objectives, maintaining Ericsson´s leadership position in the area of climate action. Emelie works with Ericsson´s Net Zero program, employee engagement, as well with external partners to demonstrate how connectivity, innovation drives exponential change in society i.e. how technology such as digitalization, AI and 5G can help mitigate climate change.

Marie-Claire Graf

Co-founder, Climate Youth Negotiator Programme (CYNP)

Marie-Claire is a passionate advocate and public speaker dedicated to driving a just transition towards sustainable development and ambitious climate action. She is also the co-founder of the Youth Negotiators Academy and Climate Youth Negotiator Programme. Believing in the pivotal role of youth in shaping the future, she empowers young people to take meaningful actions, leading initiatives at local, national, and international levels. Her leadership has led her to chair the Youth Constituency YOUNGO of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and serve as the UN Food Systems Summit Vice-Chair on youth. Marie-Claire's commitment to global sustainability efforts has earned her recognition, including the title of United Nations Youth Climate Champion of Switzerland. Through her advocacy and leadership, she inspires and mobilizes youth to address the urgent challenges posed by the climate crisis and drive positive change worldwide

Peter Fiekowsky

Founder and Chairperson emeritus, the Foundation for Climate Restoration Advisory Board Chairman, The Climate Restoration Safety & Governance Board

Peter Fiekowsky is an MIT-educated physicist and engineer, serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, social innovator, and author. Fiekowsky has worked closely with the academic and entrepreneurial leaders who are developing the viable, scalable, and permanent solutions that constitute the climate-restoration path. Fiekowsky co-founded The Foundation for Climate Restoration (, Methane Action (, (a methane removal company) and The Stable Planet Alliance. Fiekowsky has been an investor in and advisor to many companies working in climate restoration, in particular synthetic limestone, clean energy financing, cold fusion, ocean restoration, kelp, and methane oxidation

Alon Shocron

Head of Israel's Environmental Youth Union

Alon Shocron has established the Environment Youth Union. Furthermore, he is the head of the climate committee in the national students council: the organization which represents all of the youth in the country. In addition, he promoted climate education to be taught in all schools in the country, by talking with the ministry of education.

Dr. Susana Hancock

The Jubilee Expedition, Arctic Basecamp, President of the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists

Dr. Susana Hancock is a transdisciplinary Arctic climate researcher working at the nexus of science and politics surrounding the climate crisis in the polar regions. She recently was one of two scientists selected for the international Jubilee Expedition in which she skied several hundred kilometres across the High Arctic while conducting climate research. She currently leads the science team with Arctic Basecamp, is President for the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists and is an advisor to the B2BI North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean Strategic Framework.

Tzeporah Berman

Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Tzeporah Berman BA, MES, LLD (honoris causa) is an award winning author, government policy advisor and environmental campaigner. She is the International Program Director at and the Chair and Founder of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative. In 2019 she was awarded the Climate Breakthrough Award and in 2021 she gave a widely viewed TED Talk presenting the case for a global treaty to phase out fossil fuels.

Devika Gopal Agge

Chief Development & Marketing Officer / Health in Harmony

Devika is a subject matter expert with published work on innovative public-private partnerships. She has over 20 years of experience working with complex institutions and multi-sector stakeholders from corporate, government, and nonprofit in the United States, United Kingdom, Asia, and India. As Chief Development & Marketing Officer at Health In Harmony, she leads the global development and communications strategy to accelerate the organization’s growth to meet the urgency of the climate and nature crisis.

Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business.

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

Mattias Frumerie

Climate Ambassador & Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, Sweden

Ambassador Frumerie is also Sweden's Head of Delegation to UNFCCC. Previous positions include head of EU policy, EU single market, Strategic communications, postings in Budapest and Brussels as well as EU advisor in the Prime Minister's Office.

Lennox Omondi

CEO & Founder, Eco-Bana Limited

Chief executive officer and 2022 Hult Prize Global Winner

Dr. Niklas Höhne

Professor, NewClimate Institute

Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne is an internationally renowned expert in climate policy with over 20 years of experience, participating in the international climate negotiations since 1995. He co-founded NewClimate Institute, where he oversees analysis on national and international climate policy and assumes various management roles. He also holds a professorship “mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions” at Wageningen University.

Michael Wolosin

Managing Director, NCS Roadmap, Conservation International

Michael Wolosin is a Managing Director for Conservation International’s Moore Center for Science, where he leads and coordinates the design and delivery of CI’s Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions. Prior to joining Conservation International, Michael spent six years as President of Forest Climate Analytics, where he worked with many of the world's top NGOs, think tanks, foundations, governments, and international institutions on strategic analyses to turn forest knowledge and science into climate action. Michael did his doctoral research in forest ecology at Duke University, studying light competition and tree growth using advanced remote sensing and statistical techniques. He has authored dozens of reports, briefs, analyses, and peer-reviewed papers, and has been quoted extensively in the press. He is based in Washington, DC.

Eron Bloomgarden

CEO, Emergent

Eron is CEO and founder of Emergent, the coordinator of The LEAF Coalition. He is an expert in climate finance, impact investing & markets plus, adjunct professor at the Earth Institute at Columbia University.

Dr. Shobha Maharaj

Science Director, Terraformation

Dr. Shobha Maharaj, Terraformation’s Science Director, is an IPCC Lead Author from the AR6 Working Group II chapters on biodiversity hotspots and on Small Islands. She was one of 50 world experts selected to work on the IPBES-IPCC workshop report on Biodiversity and Climate Change. She’s previously served as a climate change and biodiversity advisor for the University of the West Indies and as a Coordinating Lead Author on the climate resilience chapter of the National Ecosystem Assessment for the Caribbean Small Island tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. Her research has centered on climate impacts and risk assessment as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies in response to changing climate conditions across global biodiversity hotspots. She holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford.

Erik Rylander

Head of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Stockholm Exergi

Erik Rylander has +20 years of experience from the energy industry. In recent years with focus on circular economy business development. Today Erik is the commercial director of Stockholm Exergi’s CDR program with the short term objective to establish a commercial framework and business model that allow Stockholm Exergi to invest in a BECCS plant capturing 800.000 tons biogenic CO2 p.a. in Stockholm starting 2026.

Kate Brandt

Chief Sustainability Officer, Google

Kate Brandt is Google's Chief Sustainability Officer and leads sustainability across worldwide operations, products and supply chains. In 2014 President Obama appointed Kate to serve as the Federal Environmental Executive and she became the Nation's first Federal Chief Sustainability Officer. Kate is the recipient of the Distinguished Public Service Award, the highest award the U.S. Navy can give to a civilian, for her work helping the Navy go green.

Patrick Blankers

Sustainability manager, Ericsson

Since 10 years, Patrick Blankers is Sustainability Manager at Ericsson, based in the Netherlands. He is engaged in many initiatives that are related to energy efficiency, climate action and circular economy. Patrick has a career of 25 years at Ericsson, in various different roles. He has a Master degree of the Technical University of Eindhoven, Electronic Engineering.

Morten Wierod

President Electrification Business Area, ABB

Morten Wierod is the President of the Electrification Business Area as well as a member of the Group Executive Committee of ABB Ltd.

Niklas Gustafsson

Head of Regulatory and Policy Affairs, Volvo Group

Niklas is responsible for the Volvo Group's larger collaborative projects in sustainable transport solutions, community contacts, and new innovation systems both internally Volvo and in the surrounding ecosystem of start-ups, universities, community actors, and well-established companies within and outside the transport industry. Niklas is head of Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs.

Ayub Osman

Head of Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility, Ericsson Middle East & Africa, Ericsson

Ayub Osman is Head of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility for Ericsson Middle East and Africa driving Ericsson’s sustainability agenda in the Region. He is passionate about drawing linkages between technology and pressing issues such as energy and environmental management, climate change, social inclusion and societal impact of the digital divide and brings real world examples from working with Ericsson and other organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme, Oxford Environmental Change Institute and Oxford Internet Institute.

Sherri Goodman

Secretary General, International Military Council on Climate & Security

Sherri Goodman is the Secretary General of the International Military Council on Climate & Security and Senior Fellow at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program and Polar Institute. She is credited with educating a generation of U.S. military and government officials about the nexus between climate change and national security, using her famous coinage, “threat multiplier,” to fundamentally reshape the national discourse on the topic. A former first Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Environmental Security) and staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Goodman has founded, led, or advised nearly a dozen research organizations on environmental and energy matters, national security, and public policy. She currently serves on the National Academies Advisory Committee to the US Global Change Research Program, and is senior climate advisor to the US Government. She holds degrees from Harvard Law School, Harvard Kennedy School, and Amherst College.

Sophia Kianni

U.S. Representative on the United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change

Sophia Kianni is an Iranian-American environmentalist studying climate science and public policy at Stanford University. She is the founder and executive director of Climate Cardinals, an international nonprofit with 8,000 volunteers in 40+ countries working to translate climate information into over 100 languages. She represents the U.S as the youngest member of the inaugural United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. She has been named VICE Media’s youngest Human of the Year, a National Geographic Young Explorer, and BuzzFeed’s youngest Woman to Watch.

Jennifer Morris

Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy

Jennifer Morris is Chief Executive Officer of The Nature Conservancy, a global conservation organization that partners with communities across the globe to overcome the barriers to climate and biodiversity solutions. Jennifer leads over 4,000 global staff working together to develop breakthrough tools and ideas, amplify local knowledge, influence decision-making, and forge new paths to funding in pursuit of a world where people and nature thrive. For more than 25 years, Jennifer has dedicated her life to protecting the environment for people and nature.

Stewart Maginnis

Deputy Director General, The International Union for Conservation of Nature

Stewart Maginnis has worked in sustainable development and biodiversity conservation for 35 years. He has lived for extensive periods in Tanzania, Sudan, Ghana and Costa Rica, undertaking conservation fieldwork. He led the development and promotion of “forest landscape restoration” (FLR) – one of the first “purpose-built” Nature-based Solutions - to which over 60 countries have committed more than 210 million hectares under the Bonn Challenge. He and his team at IUCN have worked over the last 12 years on defining and promoting the concept of Nature-based Solutions and supporting its application to climate change, food & water security and disaster risk reduction. He is currently the Deputy Director General of IUCN with responsibility for the IUCN programme of work. Stewart was educated at Oxford University and Queen’s University Belfast.

Mariam Almheiri

Minister of Environment and Climate of the United Arab Emirates

Her Excellency Mariam Almheiri leads the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment’s mission of spearheading the United Arab Emirates’s drive to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, protect the country’s ecosystems and enhance its food and water security through developing and implementing effective measures, policies and initiatives. Prior to her current role, Her Excellency Mariam Almheiri was Minister of State for Food and Water Security. Her responsibilities included monitoring national food stocks and water supply, channeling investments in food and water technology innovation and building international partnerships in this area. Previously, Her Excellency Mariam Almheiri held the post of Minister of State for Food Security, where she oversaw the development of the necessary infrastructure to achieve the country’s food security objectives in line with the United Arab Emirates Centennial 2071.

Nigel Topping

UN High Level Champion

Nigel Topping, CMG, is a renowned figure in climate action, serving as the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP26, where he launched global initiatives like Race To Zero and Race To Resilience. Nigel is now a Senior Advisor to FSD Africa, Global Ambassador to the High-Level Climate Champions, and an External Member of the Advisory Committee for AXA IM. He also advises governments, financial institutions, and private companies on climate strategy, with a focus on mobilizing climate finance and catalyzing exponential change in climate action. Nigel's commitment to sustainability earned him the CMG distinction in 2022 and recognition as a key leader in shaping a sustainable future.


Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

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Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson

Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

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Selected speakers

Cassie Flynn

Global Director of Climate Change, UNDP

Cassie Flynn is the Global Director of Climate Change at UNDP. The portfolio supports over 150 countries to take bold climate action. She previously served as the Strategic Advisor on climate change to UNDP’s Administrator and Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister of Fiji as COP23 President. Cassie is an internationally recognized expert on the treaty negotiations on climate change and has been a featured expert by CNN, BBC, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde, New York Times, and other publications. Cassie earned her master's degree from Yale University and undergraduate degrees from Bowdoin College.

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Emelie Öhlander

Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson

Emelie Öhlander is the Climate Action Program Manager at Ericsson, with responsibility for executing the climate strategy and Net Zero program objectives, maintaining Ericsson´s leadership position in the area of climate action. Emelie works with Ericsson´s Net Zero program, employee engagement, as well with external partners to demonstrate how connectivity, innovation drives exponential change in society i.e. how technology such as digitalization, AI and 5G can help mitigate climate change.

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Marie-Claire Graf

Co-founder, Climate Youth Negotiator Programme (CYNP)

Marie-Claire is a passionate advocate and public speaker dedicated to driving a just transition towards sustainable development and ambitious climate action. She is also the co-founder of the Youth Negotiators Academy and Climate Youth Negotiator Programme. Believing in the pivotal role of youth in shaping the future, she empowers young people to take meaningful actions, leading initiatives at local, national, and international levels. Her leadership has led her to chair the Youth Constituency YOUNGO of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and serve as the UN Food Systems Summit Vice-Chair on youth. Marie-Claire's commitment to global sustainability efforts has earned her recognition, including the title of United Nations Youth Climate Champion of Switzerland. Through her advocacy and leadership, she inspires and mobilizes youth to address the urgent challenges posed by the climate crisis and drive positive change worldwide

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Peter Fiekowsky

Founder and Chairperson emeritus, the Foundation for Climate Restoration Advisory Board Chairman, The Climate Restoration Safety & Governance Board

Peter Fiekowsky is an MIT-educated physicist and engineer, serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, social innovator, and author. Fiekowsky has worked closely with the academic and entrepreneurial leaders who are developing the viable, scalable, and permanent solutions that constitute the climate-restoration path. Fiekowsky co-founded The Foundation for Climate Restoration (, Methane Action (, (a methane removal company) and The Stable Planet Alliance. Fiekowsky has been an investor in and advisor to many companies working in climate restoration, in particular synthetic limestone, clean energy financing, cold fusion, ocean restoration, kelp, and methane oxidation

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Alon Shocron

Head of Israel's Environmental Youth Union

Alon Shocron has established the Environment Youth Union. Furthermore, he is the head of the climate committee in the national students council: the organization which represents all of the youth in the country. In addition, he promoted climate education to be taught in all schools in the country, by talking with the ministry of education.

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Dr. Susana Hancock

The Jubilee Expedition, Arctic Basecamp, President of the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists

Dr. Susana Hancock is a transdisciplinary Arctic climate researcher working at the nexus of science and politics surrounding the climate crisis in the polar regions. She recently was one of two scientists selected for the international Jubilee Expedition in which she skied several hundred kilometres across the High Arctic while conducting climate research. She currently leads the science team with Arctic Basecamp, is President for the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists and is an advisor to the B2BI North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean Strategic Framework.

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Tzeporah Berman

Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Tzeporah Berman BA, MES, LLD (honoris causa) is an award winning author, government policy advisor and environmental campaigner. She is the International Program Director at and the Chair and Founder of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative. In 2019 she was awarded the Climate Breakthrough Award and in 2021 she gave a widely viewed TED Talk presenting the case for a global treaty to phase out fossil fuels.

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Devika Gopal Agge

Chief Development & Marketing Officer / Health in Harmony

Devika is a subject matter expert with published work on innovative public-private partnerships. She has over 20 years of experience working with complex institutions and multi-sector stakeholders from corporate, government, and nonprofit in the United States, United Kingdom, Asia, and India. As Chief Development & Marketing Officer at Health In Harmony, she leads the global development and communications strategy to accelerate the organization’s growth to meet the urgency of the climate and nature crisis. less
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Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business. less
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Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström

Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström is the Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Science at Potsdam University. Rockström is an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues, who led the development of the new Planetary Boundaries framework for human development in the current era of rapid global change at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a leading scientist on global water resources, with about 25 years of experience from applied water research in tropical regions, and more than 150 research publications in fields ranging from applied land and water management to global sustainability. Aside from his research helping to guide policy, Rockström consults several governments and business networks. He also acts as an advisor for sustainable development issues at noteworthy international meetings, such as the World Economic Forum, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC). Supplementary, he chairs the advisory board for the EAT Foundation and the Earth League.

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Mattias Frumerie

Climate Ambassador & Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, Sweden

Ambassador Frumerie is also Sweden's Head of Delegation to UNFCCC. Previous positions include head of EU policy, EU single market, Strategic communications, postings in Budapest and Brussels as well as EU advisor in the Prime Minister's Office.

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Lennox Omondi

CEO & Founder, Eco-Bana Limited

Chief executive officer and 2022 Hult Prize Global Winner

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Dr. Niklas Höhne

Professor, NewClimate Institute

Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne is an internationally renowned expert in climate policy with over 20 years of experience, participating in the international climate negotiations since 1995. He co-founded NewClimate Institute, where he oversees analysis on national and international climate policy and assumes various management roles. He also holds a professorship “mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions” at Wageningen University.

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Michael Wolosin

Managing Director, NCS Roadmap, Conservation International

Michael Wolosin is a Managing Director for Conservation International’s Moore Center for Science, where he leads and coordinates the design and delivery of CI’s Exponential Roadmap for Natural Climate Solutions. Prior to joining Conservation International, Michael spent six years as President of Forest Climate Analytics, where he worked with many of the world's top NGOs, think tanks, foundations, governments, and international institutions on strategic analyses to turn forest knowledge and science into climate action. Michael did his doctoral research in forest ecology at Duke University, studying light competition and tree growth using advanced remote sensing and statistical techniques. He has authored dozens of reports, briefs, analyses, and peer-reviewed papers, and has been quoted extensively in the press. He is based in Washington, DC.

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Eron Bloomgarden

CEO, Emergent

Eron is CEO and founder of Emergent, the coordinator of The LEAF Coalition. He is an expert in climate finance, impact investing & markets plus, adjunct professor at the Earth Institute at Columbia University.

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Dr. Shobha Maharaj

Science Director, Terraformation

Dr. Shobha Maharaj, Terraformation’s Science Director, is an IPCC Lead Author from the AR6 Working Group II chapters on biodiversity hotspots and on Small Islands. She was one of 50 world experts selected to work on the IPBES-IPCC workshop report on Biodiversity and Climate Change. She’s previously served as a climate change and biodiversity advisor for the University of the West Indies and as a Coordinating Lead Author on the climate resilience chapter of the National Ecosystem Assessment for the Caribbean Small Island tri-island state of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. Her research has centered on climate impacts and risk assessment as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies in response to changing climate conditions across global biodiversity hotspots. She holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford.

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Erik Rylander

Head of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Stockholm Exergi

Erik Rylander has +20 years of experience from the energy industry. In recent years with focus on circular economy business development. Today Erik is the commercial director of Stockholm Exergi’s CDR program with the short term objective to establish a commercial framework and business model that allow Stockholm Exergi to invest in a BECCS plant capturing 800.000 tons biogenic CO2 p.a. in Stockholm starting 2026.

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Kate Brandt

Chief Sustainability Officer, Google

Kate Brandt is Google's Chief Sustainability Officer and leads sustainability across worldwide operations, products and supply chains. In 2014 President Obama appointed Kate to serve as the Federal Environmental Executive and she became the Nation's first Federal Chief Sustainability Officer. Kate is the recipient of the Distinguished Public Service Award, the highest award the U.S. Navy can give to a civilian, for her work helping the Navy go green.

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Patrick Blankers

Sustainability manager, Ericsson

Since 10 years, Patrick Blankers is Sustainability Manager at Ericsson, based in the Netherlands. He is engaged in many initiatives that are related to energy efficiency, climate action and circular economy. Patrick has a career of 25 years at Ericsson, in various different roles. He has a Master degree of the Technical University of Eindhoven, Electronic Engineering.

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Morten Wierod

President Electrification Business Area, ABB

Morten Wierod is the President of the Electrification Business Area as well as a member of the Group Executive Committee of ABB Ltd.

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Niklas Gustafsson

Head of Regulatory and Policy Affairs, Volvo Group

Niklas is responsible for the Volvo Group's larger collaborative projects in sustainable transport solutions, community contacts, and new innovation systems both internally Volvo and in the surrounding ecosystem of start-ups, universities, community actors, and well-established companies within and outside the transport industry. Niklas is head of Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs.

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Ayub Osman

Head of Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility, Ericsson Middle East & Africa, Ericsson

Ayub Osman is Head of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility for Ericsson Middle East and Africa driving Ericsson’s sustainability agenda in the Region. He is passionate about drawing linkages between technology and pressing issues such as energy and environmental management, climate change, social inclusion and societal impact of the digital divide and brings real world examples from working with Ericsson and other organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme, Oxford Environmental Change Institute and Oxford Internet Institute.

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Sherri Goodman

Secretary General, International Military Council on Climate & Security

Sherri Goodman is the Secretary General of the International Military Council on Climate & Security and Senior Fellow at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program and Polar Institute. She is credited with educating a generation of U.S. military and government officials about the nexus between climate change and national security, using her famous coinage, “threat multiplier,” to fundamentally reshape the national discourse on the topic. A former first Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Environmental Security) and staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Goodman has founded, led, or advised nearly a dozen research organizations on environmental and energy matters, national security, and public policy. She currently serves on the National Academies Advisory Committee to the US Global Change Research Program, and is senior climate advisor to the US Government. She holds degrees from Harvard Law School, Harvard Kennedy School, and Amherst College. less
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Sophia Kianni

U.S. Representative on the United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change

Sophia Kianni is an Iranian-American environmentalist studying climate science and public policy at Stanford University. She is the founder and executive director of Climate Cardinals, an international nonprofit with 8,000 volunteers in 40+ countries working to translate climate information into over 100 languages. She represents the U.S as the youngest member of the inaugural United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. She has been named VICE Media’s youngest Human of the Year, a National Geographic Young Explorer, and BuzzFeed’s youngest Woman to Watch.

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Jennifer Morris

Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy

Jennifer Morris is Chief Executive Officer of The Nature Conservancy, a global conservation organization that partners with communities across the globe to overcome the barriers to climate and biodiversity solutions. Jennifer leads over 4,000 global staff working together to develop breakthrough tools and ideas, amplify local knowledge, influence decision-making, and forge new paths to funding in pursuit of a world where people and nature thrive. For more than 25 years, Jennifer has dedicated her life to protecting the environment for people and nature.

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Stewart Maginnis

Deputy Director General, The International Union for Conservation of Nature

Stewart Maginnis has worked in sustainable development and biodiversity conservation for 35 years. He has lived for extensive periods in Tanzania, Sudan, Ghana and Costa Rica, undertaking conservation fieldwork. He led the development and promotion of “forest landscape restoration” (FLR) – one of the first “purpose-built” Nature-based Solutions - to which over 60 countries have committed more than 210 million hectares under the Bonn Challenge. He and his team at IUCN have worked over the last 12 years on defining and promoting the concept of Nature-based Solutions and supporting its application to climate change, food & water security and disaster risk reduction. He is currently the Deputy Director General of IUCN with responsibility for the IUCN programme of work. Stewart was educated at Oxford University and Queen’s University Belfast.

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Mariam Almheiri

Minister of Environment and Climate of the United Arab Emirates

Her Excellency Mariam Almheiri leads the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment’s mission of spearheading the United Arab Emirates’s drive to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, protect the country’s ecosystems and enhance its food and water security through developing and implementing effective measures, policies and initiatives. Prior to her current role, Her Excellency Mariam Almheiri was Minister of State for Food and Water Security. Her responsibilities included monitoring national food stocks and water supply, channeling investments in food and water technology innovation and building international partnerships in this area. Previously, Her Excellency Mariam Almheiri held the post of Minister of State for Food Security, where she oversaw the development of the necessary infrastructure to achieve the country’s food security objectives in line with the United Arab Emirates Centennial 2071.

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Nigel Topping

UN High Level Champion

Nigel Topping, CMG, is a renowned figure in climate action, serving as the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP26, where he launched global initiatives like Race To Zero and Race To Resilience. Nigel is now a Senior Advisor to FSD Africa, Global Ambassador to the High-Level Climate Champions, and an External Member of the Advisory Committee for AXA IM. He also advises governments, financial institutions, and private companies on climate strategy, with a focus on mobilizing climate finance and catalyzing exponential change in climate action. Nigel's commitment to sustainability earned him the CMG distinction in 2022 and recognition as a key leader in shaping a sustainable future.

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Day 4, Science & Youth


We Don't Have Time is the world's largest social media for climate action. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations organization tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. In October, 2021, UNDP launched the campaign #Dontchooseextinction as a response to the monumental challenge of billions of dollars spent on fossil fuels subsidies while hundreds of millions of people live in poverty. Read more.

Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers. Sustainability is at the heart of our company purpose, “Empowering an intelligent, sustainable, and connected world” and it is integrated into Ericsson’s strategy becoming an ever more fundamental part of creating business and societal value. Read more.

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative brings together innovators, transformers and disruptors taking action in line with 1.5°C, with the mission to halve emissions before 2030 through exponential climate action and solutions. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative is an accredited partner of the United Nations’ Race To Zero, and a founding partner of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders and the SME Climate Hub.

The 1.5°C Business Playbook is a guideline for companies and organisations of all sizes to set a 1.5°C aligned strategy and move to action. Focusing on simplicity and speed, it is anchored in the latest science.

The Exponential Roadmap highlights 36 solutions with exponential scaling potential to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. It shows how we can build a stronger, more resilient and future-proof global economy and increase human prosperity and wealth- within the planetary boundaries.

The SME Climate Hub is a global initiative that aims to mainstream climate action in the small to medium sized business community, and enable SMEs to build more resilient businesses through climate action. The initiative provides the tools and resources SMEs need to reduce their emissions and measure their progress towards net zero. The SME Climate Commitment is the official pathway for small and medium sized businesses to join the United Nations global Race to Zero campaign.

Business Sweden is commissioned by the Government and the Swedish industry to help Swedish companies grow global sales and international companies invest and expand in Sweden. Read more.

The Global Commons Alliance (GCA) is a network of organizations working together to ensure that societies and the global economy thrive, sustained by healthy global commons, on a stable planet. Read more.

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