November 8, 2022













November 8, 2022











November 8, 2022

Day 2, World Leaders Summit

COP27 Climate Hub – Day 2














November 8, 2022












November 8, 2022

Day 2, World Leaders Summit

COP27 Climate Hub – Day 2

Live from COP27 – welcome to our public broadcasting hub at UN’s Climate Change Conference 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Together with our partners, we will explore crucial topics connected to the climate crisis, biodiversity, nature-based solutions and the green transformation of business and society.  Click here for the full day-by-day program.

Register to participate online or in our physical hubs in Nairobi, Washington DC, and Stockholm here

How to watch and interact?

The best way to experience our broadcasts is with the help of our app. Download our app and join the dialogue: 📲 Apple App Store 📲 Google Play 🌐 Web app (browser version)

09:00 – 10:00 EET Scope 3 emissions: Challenges and opportunities

This event will focus on highlighting the most important challenges companies face to reduce Scope 3 emissions, what we need to focus on to accelerate the reduction and give concrete examples of what have been done so far.


  • Anna Celsing, VP Group Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Kristian Rönn, CEO and CO-founder, Normative;
  • Jonas Otterheim, Head of Climate Action, Volvo Cars.

Organized by: 

10:00–11:00 EET — COP27 meeting: Transforming Cities – Money! The Role of Finance and Capital

In line with the objectives of the UGIH, this session will take a demand/needs- based approach, providing space for cities to raise their challenges with key actors from private, public and third sector to learn more about city perspectives and needs.

Organized by:

10:20 – 11:00 EET — Enabling the world's citizens to make climate smart decisions

The 1.5°C lifestyle - lifestyle changes at scale. If a large population could cut emissions by between 40-70 per cent by 2050, it would make them a vital tool in the fight against climate change and the race to net-zero could be real. Most policy approaches for meeting climate targets rely on the hope for new technologies – focusing on negative emissions and changes in production. But this often underestimates the contributions of lifestyle changes. This year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) put people power into the plan to meet the Paris Agreement. They calculate that 'behavior and socio-cultural' changes could rapidly save 5% of all demand-side carbon emissions. The potential is huge, but how do we get there?  How do we make sustainable lifestyles the easy and preferred choice for people and communities? How can we promote business models that focus on services delivered, not products made.  


  • Milton Noel Malmström, Innovation Lead, Doconomy; 
  • Miguel Naranjo, Program lead, UNFCCC; 
  • Malin Berge, SVP Sustainability Innovation, Mastercard;
  • Ellen Kugelberg, CPO, Einride.

Organized by:

11:00–12:00 EET — COP27 meeting: Transforming Cities – Capabilities and Mindsets

In line with the objectives of the UGIH, this session will take a demand/ needs-based approach, providing space for cities to raise their challenges with key actors from private, public and third sector to learn more about city perspectives and needs.

Organized by:

11:15–11:30 EET — Welcome to our COP27 Climate Hub

Live from COP27 – welcome to our public broadcasting hub at UN’s Climate Change Conference 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Together with our partners, we will explore crucial topics connected to the climate crisis, biodiversity, nature-based solutions and the green transformation of business and society.


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don’t Have Time;
  • Christina Carlmark, Senior Sustainability Specialist & Partnership Manager, We Don't Have Time;
  • ​​Patrick Kiarie, Eco-Warrior and Representative for We Don't Have Time, Kenya.

Organized by:

11:30–12:45 EET — UNDP Hour

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the COP27 conference and the most pressing climate concerns of our times. Join us as ministers, United Nations experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth activists from every corner of the globe discuss climate change from a human perspective.  This is 'The UNDP Hour.'

Moderator: Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP


  • Lana Wong, Founding Member, Moderate The Panel;
  • Achim Steiner, Administrator, UNDP;
  • Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Egypt;
  • Cassie Flynn, Head of Climate Promise, UNDP;
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Loretz, Global Consulting Sustainability & Climate Strategy Leader and Founding Chair, Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress;
  • Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden; 
  • Rahmina Paullete, Climate Activist;
  • Jamila Mohammed, Swahili voice of DCE;
  • Frankie the Dino, Climate Activist, UNDP.

Organized by:

12:00–13:00 EET — COP27 meeting: Supply- and demand-side barriers faced by women climate-tech entrepreneurs in Africa

This session will focus specifically on the role women are playing in innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa and how barriers to access to finance and entrepreneurship can be further addressed, based on the experience of African support organizations working with EIT Climate-KIC.

Organized by:

12:00 – 13:00 EET — How is Sweden enabling the green transition in other countries?

The main theme for COP27 is a just transition and hence this session will focus on developing economies in terms of both their own needs (National Determined Contributions) and what obstacles should be removed in order to enable the export of Swedish climate solutions (both for climate change mitigation and adaptation), while simultaneously contributing to capacity building in developing economies. Swedish development cooperation will be a crucial part of this work. The global climate benefits that Swedish exports contribute to corresponds to a reduction of half of the total emissions in Sweden. This can be further accelerated by more fossil free energy and faster permit processes in Sweden and a focus on related policy changes concerning free trade, governance, financial matters as well as more focus on entrepreneurship in export markets.


  • Jan Larsson, CEO, Business Sweden;
  • Anna-Karin Jatko, Director General, EKN; 
  • Innovation & Partnership Responsible, SEK; 
  • Medeleine Gilborne, Head of Clean Technologies & VP Energy Division, Alfa Laval; 
  • Claudio Camelier, Heart Aerospace; 
  • Martin Edlund, CEO, Minesto.

Organized by:

13:20 – 14:40 EET — A just transition: The impact on people and the role businesses can play

Despite the growing importance of emissions reporting, businesses currently report in a myriad of different formats, making it difficult to compare climate performance across businesses. When coupled with the lack of transparency in ESG and sustainability metrics, this can allow companies to appear committed to net zero without making meaningful progress towards that goal – eroding trust in the concept of net zero as a whole and stalling progress toward global climate targets.

In this panel, representatives from businesses and institutions will discuss how a single, easy-to-use score can help businesses measure their climate impact in a standardized, transparent, and comparable way.


  • Victor Bernard, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Expected speakers:

  • Maria Simonson, Head of Sustainability, SEK;
  • Christina Friborg, Executive Vice President and Head of Sustainability, SSAB;
  • Eija Hietavuo, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Haley St. Dennis, Head of Just Transition, IHRB;
  • Yoko Lu, Country Contact Point & Regional Contact Point, YOUNGO.

Organized by:

14:00–15:00 EET — Changing The Narrative

Join us for a truly inspiring conversation about the need to leave the gloom and doom behind us and start creating a new and exciting narrative that could inspire real change and speed up climate action. We can do it!


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don’t Have Time; 
  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP; 
  • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Risk and behavioral scientist, President of US Operations, We Don't Have Time; 
  • Johan Falk, Strategist and Entrepreneur, Co-Founder and Head of Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Michael Simkin, Producer, Showrunner & Director, Artifactual Media, Down To Earth.

Organized by:

14:00–15:00 EET — COP27 meeting: African innovation ecosystems: Accelerating climate solutions for a net zero continent

This session seeks to highlight the work and successes already underway across ecosystems and investigate how best to address the challenges that entrepreneurs face, and the major barriers to innovation.

Organized by:

15:00 – 15:40 EET — Comparing sustainability with a net-zero score

Businesses are experiencing increasing demands – and incentives – to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions. Many businesses are already mandated by law to report their climate impact, and many more will be in the near future, as reporting legislation expands in scope. However, even businesses that are not legally mandated to disclose emissions still choose to do so. These disclosures enable businesses to meet the requirements of stakeholders like investors, or to validate their sustainability efforts to consumers. Despite the growing importance of emissions reporting, businesses currently report in a myriad of different formats, making it difficult to compare climate performance across businesses. When coupled with the lack of transparency in ESG and sustainability metrics, this can allow companies to appear committed to net zero without making meaningful progress towards that goal – eroding trust in the concept of net-zero as a whole and stalling progress toward global climate targets.


  • CDP
  • Ecovadis
  • Intuit
  • Nordea
  • Oxford

Speakers to be announced

Organized by:

16:00–17:30 EET — Nature’s Newsroom

Welcome to our daily news show from the Nature Positive Pavilion. Join us for a discussion on recent updates and announcements, with in-depth perspectives from interesting guests and high-level speakers.


  • Andrew Deutz, The Nature Conservancy; 
  • Mohab Sherif, Youth Engagement Coordinator, ACTS Egypt; 
  • Roselyn Fosuah Adjei, Director for Climate Change, Ghana's Forestry Commission;
  • Leonardo Lacerda, Global Managing Director for Climate, The Nature Conservancy; 
  • Sue Reid, Adivsor, Global Optimism; 
  • Elizabeth Wathuti, Founder, Green Generation Initiative; 
  • Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary, UN Convention to Combat Desertification; 
  • Thomas Crowther, Professor, ETH Zurich; Crowther Lab; 
  • Antha N. Williams, Lead of Environment program, Bloomberg Philanthropies; 
  • Ignace Beguin Billecocq, Ocean and Coastal Zones Lead, Climate Champions; 
  • Loreley Picourt, Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform; 
  • Ambassador Peter Thomson, UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, UN; 
  • Her Excellency Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Republic of Maldives.

Organized by:

19:00–20:30 EET — Dragonfly’s Den

To solve the climate crisis, we need to share new innovations and ideas, and we need them to scale. During the Dragonfly’s Den, entrepreneurs, project managers, and thought leaders pitch their climate ideas and innovations in front of a panel of climate communication experts. The overall winner will receive a prize that will further help to amplify the solution.


  • Marindame Kombate, Regional Project Manager, Africa Minigrids Program, UNDP;
  • David Coleman, Chairman, Defugo Technologies Pte Ltd;
  • Peggy Brannigan, Director of Global Environmental Sustainability for LinkedIn;
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don’t Have Time;
  • Sonalie Figueiras, CEO and Co-Founder, Source Green;
  • Katelyn Prendiville, Founder, SeedCulture;
  • Tim Dew, CEO, GingrTech;
  • Immaculate Akello, Founder, Keri Naturals SMC Ltd;
  • Hailey Campbell, Co-Executive Director of the youth-led non-profit Care About Climate;
  • Opeyemi Elujulo, Founder and Executive Director of the Youth in Agroecology and Restoration Network;
  • Evan Hynes, CEO & Co-Founder of Climatebase.

Organized by:

20:30–21:00 EET — Wrap-up & Culture

We look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight interesting climate content on social media. With experts and interesting guests.


  • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, U.S. President of We Don't Have Time
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder of We Don't Have Time


  • Abe Lim, Running Out of Time support crew, Running Out of Time;
  • Dan Thompson, Director, Running Out of Time;
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Climate Activist & Youth Advisor, We Don't Have Time;
  • Anita Soina, Founder, SpiceWarriors;
  • Nikka Gerona, Climate Advocate, YOUNGO;
  • Christina Carlmark, Partnership Manager, We Don't Have Time;
  • Simon Bergbom, Head of US Operations, We Don't Have Time;
  • Patrick Kiarie, We Don't Have Time.

Justdiggit Music Video, Kijanisha - By Ben Pol

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COP27 Climate Hub Program – Nov 8

All times in Eastern European Time (EET) Find your local time zone here.

This broadcast is part of the COP27 Climate Hub. Full day-by-day program. November 7November 8November 9November 10November 11November 12November 14November 15November 16November 17

Join us at our Stockholm, Nairobi and Washington DC hubs to watch it live.

09:00 – 10:00 EET Scope 3 emissions: Challenges and opportunities

This event will focus on highlighting the most important challenges companies face to reduce Scope 3 emissions, what we need to focus on to accelerate the reduction and give concrete examples of what have been done so far.


  • Anna Celsing, VP Group Sustainability, Alfa Laval;
  • Kristian Rönn, CEO and CO-founder, Normative;
  • Jonas Otterheim, Head of Climate Action, Volvo Cars.

Organized by: 

10:00–11:00 EET — COP27 meeting: Transforming Cities – Money! The Role of Finance and Capital

In line with the objectives of the UGIH, this session will take a demand/needs- based approach, providing space for cities to raise their challenges with key actors from private, public and third sector to learn more about city perspectives and needs.

Organized by:

10:20 – 11:00 EET — Enabling the world's citizens to make climate smart decisions

The 1.5°C lifestyle - lifestyle changes at scale. If a large population could cut emissions by between 40-70 per cent by 2050, it would make them a vital tool in the fight against climate change and the race to net-zero could be real. Most policy approaches for meeting climate targets rely on the hope for new technologies – focusing on negative emissions and changes in production. But this often underestimates the contributions of lifestyle changes. This year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) put people power into the plan to meet the Paris Agreement. They calculate that 'behavior and socio-cultural' changes could rapidly save 5% of all demand-side carbon emissions. The potential is huge, but how do we get there?  How do we make sustainable lifestyles the easy and preferred choice for people and communities? How can we promote business models that focus on services delivered, not products made.  


  • Milton Noel Malmström, Innovation Lead, Doconomy; 
  • Miguel Naranjo, Program lead, UNFCCC; 
  • Malin Berge, SVP Sustainability Innovation, Mastercard;
  • Ellen Kugelberg, CPO, Einride.

Organized by:

11:00–12:00 EET — COP27 meeting: Transforming Cities – Capabilities and Mindsets

In line with the objectives of the UGIH, this session will take a demand/ needs-based approach, providing space for cities to raise their challenges with key actors from private, public and third sector to learn more about city perspectives and needs.

Organized by:

11:15–11:30 EET — Welcome to our COP27 Climate Hub

Live from COP27 – welcome to our public broadcasting hub at UN’s Climate Change Conference 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Together with our partners, we will explore crucial topics connected to the climate crisis, biodiversity, nature-based solutions and the green transformation of business and society.


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don’t Have Time;
  • Christina Carlmark, Senior Sustainability Specialist & Partnership Manager, We Don't Have Time;
  • ​​Patrick Kiarie, Eco-Warrior and Representative for We Don't Have Time, Kenya.

Organized by:

11:30–12:45 EET — UNDP Hour

The United Nations Development Programme is bringing together notable experts to make sense of the COP27 conference and the most pressing climate concerns of our times. Join us as ministers, United Nations experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and youth activists from every corner of the globe discuss climate change from a human perspective.  This is 'The UNDP Hour.'

Moderator: Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP


  • Lana Wong, Founding Member, Moderate The Panel;
  • Achim Steiner, Administrator, UNDP;
  • Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Egypt;
  • Cassie Flynn, Head of Climate Promise, UNDP;
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Loretz, Global Consulting Sustainability & Climate Strategy Leader and Founding Chair, Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress;
  • Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden; 
  • Rahmina Paullete, Climate Activist;
  • Jamila Mohammed, Swahili voice of DCE;
  • Frankie the Dino, Climate Activist, UNDP.

Organized by:

12:00–13:00 EET — COP27 meeting: Supply- and demand-side barriers faced by women climate-tech entrepreneurs in Africa

This session will focus specifically on the role women are playing in innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa and how barriers to access to finance and entrepreneurship can be further addressed, based on the experience of African support organizations working with EIT Climate-KIC.

Organized by:

12:00 – 13:00 EET — How is Sweden enabling the green transition in other countries?

The main theme for COP27 is a just transition and hence this session will focus on developing economies in terms of both their own needs (National Determined Contributions) and what obstacles should be removed in order to enable the export of Swedish climate solutions (both for climate change mitigation and adaptation), while simultaneously contributing to capacity building in developing economies. Swedish development cooperation will be a crucial part of this work. The global climate benefits that Swedish exports contribute to corresponds to a reduction of half of the total emissions in Sweden. This can be further accelerated by more fossil free energy and faster permit processes in Sweden and a focus on related policy changes concerning free trade, governance, financial matters as well as more focus on entrepreneurship in export markets.


  • Jan Larsson, CEO, Business Sweden;
  • Anna-Karin Jatko, Director General, EKN; 
  • Innovation & Partnership Responsible, SEK; 
  • Medeleine Gilborne, Head of Clean Technologies & VP Energy Division, Alfa Laval; 
  • Claudio Camelier, Heart Aerospace; 
  • Martin Edlund, CEO, Minesto.

Organized by:

13:20 – 14:40 EET — A just transition: The impact on people and the role businesses can play

Despite the growing importance of emissions reporting, businesses currently report in a myriad of different formats, making it difficult to compare climate performance across businesses. When coupled with the lack of transparency in ESG and sustainability metrics, this can allow companies to appear committed to net zero without making meaningful progress towards that goal – eroding trust in the concept of net zero as a whole and stalling progress toward global climate targets.

In this panel, representatives from businesses and institutions will discuss how a single, easy-to-use score can help businesses measure their climate impact in a standardized, transparent, and comparable way.


  • Victor Bernard, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Expected speakers:

  • Maria Simonson, Head of Sustainability, SEK;
  • Christina Friborg, Executive Vice President and Head of Sustainability, SSAB;
  • Eija Hietavuo, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak;
  • Haley St. Dennis, Head of Just Transition, IHRB;
  • Yoko Lu, Country Contact Point & Regional Contact Point, YOUNGO.

Organized by:

14:00–15:00 EET — Changing The Narrative

Join us for a truly inspiring conversation about the need to leave the gloom and doom behind us and start creating a new and exciting narrative that could inspire real change and speed up climate action. We can do it!


  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don’t Have Time; 
  • Boaz Paldi, Chief Creative Officer, UNDP; 
  • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Risk and behavioral scientist, President of US Operations, We Don't Have Time; 
  • Johan Falk, Strategist and Entrepreneur, Co-Founder and Head of Exponential Roadmap Initiative;
  • Michael Simkin, Producer, Showrunner & Director, Artifactual Media, Down To Earth.

Organized by:

14:00–15:00 EET — COP27 meeting: African innovation ecosystems: Accelerating climate solutions for a net zero continent

This session seeks to highlight the work and successes already underway across ecosystems and investigate how best to address the challenges that entrepreneurs face, and the major barriers to innovation.

Organized by:

15:00 – 15:40 EET — Comparing sustainability with a net-zero score

Businesses are experiencing increasing demands – and incentives – to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions. Many businesses are already mandated by law to report their climate impact, and many more will be in the near future, as reporting legislation expands in scope. However, even businesses that are not legally mandated to disclose emissions still choose to do so. These disclosures enable businesses to meet the requirements of stakeholders like investors, or to validate their sustainability efforts to consumers. Despite the growing importance of emissions reporting, businesses currently report in a myriad of different formats, making it difficult to compare climate performance across businesses. When coupled with the lack of transparency in ESG and sustainability metrics, this can allow companies to appear committed to net zero without making meaningful progress towards that goal – eroding trust in the concept of net-zero as a whole and stalling progress toward global climate targets.


  • CDP
  • Ecovadis
  • Intuit
  • Nordea
  • Oxford

Speakers to be announced

Organized by:

16:00–17:30 EET — Nature’s Newsroom

Welcome to our daily news show from the Nature Positive Pavilion. Join us for a discussion on recent updates and announcements, with in-depth perspectives from interesting guests and high-level speakers.


  • Andrew Deutz, The Nature Conservancy; 
  • Mohab Sherif, Youth Engagement Coordinator, ACTS Egypt; 
  • Roselyn Fosuah Adjei, Director for Climate Change, Ghana's Forestry Commission;
  • Leonardo Lacerda, Global Managing Director for Climate, The Nature Conservancy; 
  • Sue Reid, Adivsor, Global Optimism; 
  • Elizabeth Wathuti, Founder, Green Generation Initiative; 
  • Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary, UN Convention to Combat Desertification; 
  • Thomas Crowther, Professor, ETH Zurich; Crowther Lab; 
  • Antha N. Williams, Lead of Environment program, Bloomberg Philanthropies; 
  • Ignace Beguin Billecocq, Ocean and Coastal Zones Lead, Climate Champions; 
  • Loreley Picourt, Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform; 
  • Ambassador Peter Thomson, UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, UN; 
  • Her Excellency Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Republic of Maldives.

Organized by:

19:00–20:30 EET — Dragonfly’s Den

To solve the climate crisis, we need to share new innovations and ideas, and we need them to scale. During the Dragonfly’s Den, entrepreneurs, project managers, and thought leaders pitch their climate ideas and innovations in front of a panel of climate communication experts. The overall winner will receive a prize that will further help to amplify the solution.


  • Marindame Kombate, Regional Project Manager, Africa Minigrids Program, UNDP;
  • David Coleman, Chairman, Defugo Technologies Pte Ltd;
  • Peggy Brannigan, Director of Global Environmental Sustainability for LinkedIn;
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don’t Have Time;
  • Sonalie Figueiras, CEO and Co-Founder, Source Green;
  • Katelyn Prendiville, Founder, SeedCulture;
  • Tim Dew, CEO, GingrTech;
  • Immaculate Akello, Founder, Keri Naturals SMC Ltd;
  • Hailey Campbell, Co-Executive Director of the youth-led non-profit Care About Climate;
  • Opeyemi Elujulo, Founder and Executive Director of the Youth in Agroecology and Restoration Network;
  • Evan Hynes, CEO & Co-Founder of Climatebase.

Organized by:

20:30–21:00 EET — Wrap-up & Culture

We look back on today’s broadcast, reflect on the conversations, and highlight interesting climate content on social media. With experts and interesting guests.


  • Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, U.S. President of We Don't Have Time
  • Ingmar Rentzhog, Founder of We Don't Have Time


  • Abe Lim, Running Out of Time support crew, Running Out of Time;
  • Dan Thompson, Director, Running Out of Time;
  • Geoffrey Mboya, Climate Activist & Youth Advisor, We Don't Have Time;
  • Anita Soina, Founder, SpiceWarriors;
  • Nikka Gerona, Climate Advocate, YOUNGO;
  • Christina Carlmark, Partnership Manager, We Don't Have Time;
  • Simon Bergbom, Head of US Operations, We Don't Have Time;
  • Patrick Kiarie, We Don't Have Time.

Justdiggit Music Video, Kijanisha - By Ben Pol

Organized by:

Day 2, World Leaders Summit


Nick Nuttall


Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson


Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

Christina Carlmark


Partnership Manager, We Don't Have Time

Christina has been working with sustainability in the business community since the late 1990’s, most recently in her role as Senior Sustainability Specialist at Telia. She has a background from Stockholm School of Economics, and she connects the climate crisis as well as biodiversity loss to business strategy. Throughout her career, she has been working with IT and digitalization, and she sees these technologies as key enablers in building sustainable societies. Christina is a Climate Reality Leader, trained by Al Gore, and from May 2021 she holds the position as Regional Co-Ordinator for Climate Reality in the Nordics. Christina is an appreciated communicator, and she has delivered 75+ climate presentations in the business community.

Patrick Kiarie


Representative of We Don't Have Time Kenya

Patrick Kiarie is an Eco-Warrior, and the Representative of We Don't Have Time Kenya and a small scale businessman. He is passionate about climate change and how to transform small business enterprises into circular and green businesses. Patrick won last year's WDHT Climate idea - Borrowing from the future. Borrowing from the future is an idea based to be a model program for educating young people on climate change and building a platform for the youth to contribute to innovations in climate change. Recently, Patrick was nominated among the top 10 most influential youths in Kenya.

Selected speakers

Boaz Paldi

Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Boaz Paldi is the United Nations Development Programme Chief Creative Officer. In this role, Boaz oversees UNDP’s advocacy, flagship campaigns, events and partnerships. Most recently Paldi managed the design, rollout and launch of the #dontchooseextinction campaign. Before being appointed to his current role, Paldi led UNDP’s advocacy and communication as well as implementing UNDP’s multimedia strategy and co-founding the Social Good Summit. Prior to joining UNDP, Boaz worked as a TV journalist for 17 years covering conflicts, natural disasters and human-interest stories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans first for the BBC then the Associated Press and finally joining Reuters where he worked as a TV News Executive Producer for over 12 years.

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.

Cassie Flynn

Global Director of Climate Change, UNDP

Cassie Flynn is the Global Director of Climate Change at UNDP. The portfolio supports over 150 countries to take bold climate action. She previously served as the Strategic Advisor on climate change to UNDP’s Administrator and Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister of Fiji as COP23 President. Cassie is an internationally recognized expert on the treaty negotiations on climate change and has been a featured expert by CNN, BBC, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde, New York Times, and other publications. Cassie earned her master's degree from Yale University and undergraduate degrees from Bowdoin College.

Frankie The Dinosaur

Dinosaur, Climate Activist, UNDP

A concerned UNDP climate activist and asteroid-surviving dinosaur.

Sonalie Figueiras

Founder and CEO, Source Green

Serial social entrepreneur & trends forecaster Sonalie Figueiras is a sustainability expert, food futurist and eco-powerhouse who has been inspiring global audiences for over a decade with practical steps on how to fight climate change. Known as the Green Queen of Asia, she is the founder and Editor in Chief of the award-winning media Green Queen, the co-founder and CEO of organic sourcing platform Ekowarehouse and climate tech SaaS Source Green, which helps consumer brands quit plastic packaging thanks to proprietary plastic reduction software In addition, Sonalie is a global keynote speaker and an advisor to multiple mission-driven startups and NGOs, and a venture partner to several VC funds.

Katelyn Prendiville

Founder, SeedCulture

Katelyn is a corporate sustainability professional with a background in marketing and startups. She is passionate about empowering employees and businesses to lead the way in the transition to more sustainable systems.

Tim Dew

CEO, GingrTech

Tim Dew is the owner of GingrTech. An inventor and entrepreneur, he builds world class simulations that enables teams to strive for excellence using best of breed gaming and behavioural science. He firmly agrees with the science that demonstrates that solutions to complex problems are accelerated by people working together.

Immaculate Akello

Keri Naturals SMC Ltd

Immaculate Akello is a lawyer, climate change activist and social entreprenuer. Immaculate is passionate about promoting gender equality, climate justice and economic development in rural areas using rural feature.

Elizabeth Wathuti

Founder, Green Generation Initiative

Elizabeth Wathuti is a passionate environmentalist and climate activist from Kenya. She is the founder of Green Generation Initiative (GGI) and the Head of Campaigns and Coordinator of Daima Coalition for the Protection of Urban Green Spaces at the Wangari Maathai Foundation. Elizabeth spoke at the opening ceremony of COP26 in Glasgow and was this year named to the TIME100 Next global list of the most influential people in their fields.

Leonardo Lacerda

Global Managing Director - Climate, The Nature Conservancy

Leonardo Lacerda is TNC’s Global Managing Director for Climate Change, where he oversees the organization’s work to advance climate change solutions in mitigation, adaptation, and energy transition. Leonardo brings nearly 30 years of global experience building diversity and inspiring teams to achieve high-level goals in the environment, human development, and social justice sectors.

Achim Steiner

Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme

Mr. Steiner’s professional experience includes assignments with governmental, non-governmental, as well as international organizations around the world, most recently Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme between 2006 and 2016. He previously served as Director-General of the United Nations Office in Nairobi from 2009 to 2011, Director-General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature from 2001 to 2006, and as Secretary-General of the World Commission on Dams, in South Africa, from 1998 to 2001.

Dr. Yasmine Fouad

Minister of Environment, Egypt

Dr. Yasmine Fouad is Minister of Environment of the Arabic Republic of Egypt. Her expertise is in Environment and International cooperation with more than 18 years’ experience working in Government, in UN organizations, NGOs and Universities. She holds her MSc in Environmental Science and PhD in Political Science / Euro Mediterranean Studies. She had gained extensive experience in climate change issues through her diversified work with academic, government and non-government organizations and International organizations.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Loretz

Global Consulting Sustainability & Climate Strategy Leader and Founding Chair, Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress

Dr. Lorentz has dedicated his career over the past three decades to two major goals: Decarbonization of industries and improvement of the quality of public service. As president of one of Germany's largest private foundations, he demonstrated the impact strategic philanthropy can have on important policy reform processes. During this time, he founded several of today's leading think tanks in the fields of climate and energy (Agora Energiewende, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change), digital society (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung), migration/integration (Sachverständigenrat Integration), and international politics (MERICS).

Omnia El Omrani

Official Youth Envoy, COP President

Omnia El Omrani is the first official Youth Envoy for the COP27 President and a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Resident from Egypt. She has more than seven years of experience in climate change and facilitated over 74 hours of training sessions and workshops in 15 countries across the world. She is a Commissioner at the Lancet-Chatham House Commission on Post-COVID Population Health, a Youth Sounding Board member of the EU DG-INTPA, an associate at Women Leaders for Planetary Health, and a member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety and UNICEF-Az Youth Leaders Programme. She has attended the last three UN Climate Change Conferences in Katowice, Madrid, and Glasgow, representing more than 1.3 million medical students worldwide in the International Federation of Medical Students' Association (IFMSA).

Her Excellency Aminath Shauna

Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Republic of Maldives

H.E. Aminath Shauna is the Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology of the Republic of Maldives. Her portfolio includes protecting the natural environment, action and advocacy on climate change, science and technology development, and the implementation of policies on energy, telecommunications, water and waste management, along with policy direction of the Environmental Protection Agency and Biosphere Reserve Office. Prior to her appointment as Minister, Shauna served as the Policy Secretary to H.E. President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

Loreley Picourt

Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform

Loreley Picourt is the Executive Director of the Ocean & Climate Platform – an international network over 100 organisations working towards a better integration of the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus into decision making. She is the focal point for the Marrakech Partnership-Global Climate Action on Ocean and Coastal Zones.

Ignace Beguin Billecocq

Ocean and Coastal Zones Lead, Climate Champions

Ignace Beguin Billecocq is Ocean Lead for the UN High-Level Climate Champions and Senior Manager, Ocean and Climate, at the UN Global Compact. With the UN High-Level Climate Champions, Ignace is leading the engagement with the ocean community and ocean-based industries for COP26. By engaging and mobilizing a diverse group of stakeholders, Ignace’s ambition is to scale up ocean-based climate solutions.

Ibrahim Thiaw

Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

Ibrahim Thiaw has been working within the UN for many years. He’s a specialist in forestry, forestry product techniques and has about 40 years of experience in sustainable development, environmental governance and natural resource management. Alarmed by his own land footprint and whether current products will be affordable for future generations, this year he is on an global awareness-raising campaign about the sustainable consumption and production of food, fibre (fashion), and animal feed.

Michael R. Bloomberg

Founder, Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies,

Michael R. Bloomberg is an entrepreneur and three-term Mayor of New York City whose innovations in government and philanthropy have made him a global leader on climate change, public health, education, and other critical issues facing America and the world.

Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business.

Lana Wong

Founding Member, Moderate The Panel

Lana Wong is a professional moderator, educator, photographer, director of communications for The Education Commission, and the former creative director of the World Bank’s Connect4Climate initiative. Lana is a founding member of the global moderators bureau Moderate The Panel, established to transform the world of events and conferences with powerful, diverse women's voices.

Ambassador Peter Thomson

UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean

Ambassador Peter Thomson has served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean since 2017, in which role he is driving the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goal 14, to conserve and sustainably use the resources of the Ocean. He was elected to the serve as President of the General Assembly of the United Nations for its 2016-17 term. He was Fiji’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2010 to 2016, during which time he was President of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS). He led the Fiji team of diplomats that in 2013 chaired the Group of 77 and China – the UN’s largest negotiating group, comprised of 133 developing countries. He was elected as President of the International Seabed Authority’s Assembly in 2011 and as President of its Council in 2015. Ambassador Peter Thomson is a founding Co-Chair of the Friends of Ocean Action and is a supporting member of the High-Level Panel for Sustainable Ocean Economy.

Romina Pourmokhtari

Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden

Romina Pourmokhtari is currently the Minister for Climate and the Environment of Sweden.

Rahmina Paullete

Climate Activist

Rahmina Paullete is a 16-year-old climate activist, environmentalist and a wildlife conservationist from Kenya. She is the founder of Kisumu Environmental Champions which is a green initiative made up of 120 kids, teenagers and youths that are doing environmental conservation through clean-ups, growing trees, promoting climate literacy to the community and supporting their campaign called #LetLakeVictoriaBreathAgain which is focusing on restoring the ecosystem of Lake Victoria. Moreover, she has her own eco-business the name RahminaPaulleteEcoProducts which makes water hyacinth products. She is also a campaigner and the Focal Point of Food At Cop which is an international campaign that advocates for plant-based meals to be served at climate conferences, this year the campaign is aiming to promote indigenous vegetables to be served at Cop27. Furthermore, she is a climate activist at FridaysForFuture International, FridaysForFutureMapa and is a young climate champion at Wangari Maathai Foundation.

Anita Soina

Environmental Warrior, Founder SpiceWarriors

Anita Soina is a 21 year old Kenyan environmental Warrior and Climate Activist. 2021 TedX Speaker, Founder of SpiceWarriors Environmental Organization and Author of “The Green War” book. She’s also a sustainability digital influencer.

Geoffrey Mboya

Youth Advisor and Climate Activist

Geoffrey is a Youth Advisor for WeDon'tHaveTime and Climate Activist from low-lying land in Nairobi and has felt firsthand climate impacts in the form of environmental degradation around his neighbourhood. Inspired by his background, Geoffrey advocates for the connection between climate action and poverty. He speaks passionately and urgently about social justice, environmental protection, climate change, indigenous rights, and more, and isn’t afraid to call out corporate leaders and others who have contributed to our environmental crises. Despite the backlash he has received from, politicians, and even strangers, Geoffrey remains determined to continue his activism and bring about meaningful change.

Nikka Gerona

Climate Advocate, YOUNGO

Nikka Gerona is a climate reality leader from the Philippines. She has been actively involved in various organizations locally and internationally. She has also been part of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where she supports the graphics sub-unit to enhance digital outreach strategies and advocacy efforts. She was also selected to be part of the 37 youth leaders across 13 countries to be part of the Young People’s Action Team for UNICEF East Asia and Pacific.

Prof. Thomas Crowther

Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich

Thomas Crowther is an ecologist studying the connections between biodiversity and climate change. He is a professor in the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich, chair of the advisory council for the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and founder of Restor, an online platform for the global restoration movement. In 2021, the World Economic Forum named

Mohab Sherif

Youth Engagement Coordinator for ACTS Egypt

Mohab is the Youth Engagement Coordinator for ACTS Egypt, and a campaign coordinator for Mock COP. He is extremely passionate about empowering youth leadership within climate action and has been heavily involved in the organisation of the Children and Youth Pavilion at COP27.

Melissa Garvey

Global Director, Ocean Protection, The Nature Conservancy

Melissa is an experienced conservation leader, responsible for developing and executing strategies, managing teams and ensuring results to address the world’s most pressing challenges to people and nature. She leads the team responsible for TNC’s global ocean protection, coastal resilience, coastal wetland conservation and reef systems restoration, blue carbon, ocean planning and mapping, and community-based conservation programs.


Nick Nuttall

Host, Strategic Communications Director, We Don't Have Time

Previously with the Times Newspaper London, the U.N. Environment, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Nick was the Director of Communications and Spokesperson for the Paris Agreement of 2015. More recently, he has served as the Director of Communications for the Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco in September 2018.

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Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson

Host, We Don't Have Time & EU Climate Pact Ambassador

Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson is an expert moderator, lecturer, and devoted workshop leader in facilitating sustainable development. Catarina moderates for the EU Commission, the Swedish Government, corporations, local municipalities, and universities. She is also content director at A Sustainable Tomorrow and co-founder of the global climate NGO Our Kids´Climate.

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Christina Carlmark

Partnership Manager, We Don't Have Time

Christina has been working with sustainability in the business community since the late 1990’s, most recently in her role as Senior Sustainability Specialist at Telia. She has a background from Stockholm School of Economics, and she connects the climate crisis as well as biodiversity loss to business strategy. Throughout her career, she has been working with IT and digitalization, and she sees these technologies as key enablers in building sustainable societies. Christina is a Climate Reality Leader, trained by Al Gore, and from May 2021 she holds the position as Regional Co-Ordinator for Climate Reality in the Nordics. Christina is an appreciated communicator, and she has delivered 75+ climate presentations in the business community.

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Patrick Kiarie

Representative of We Don't Have Time Kenya

Patrick Kiarie is an Eco-Warrior, and the Representative of We Don't Have Time Kenya and a small scale businessman. He is passionate about climate change and how to transform small business enterprises into circular and green businesses. Patrick won last year's WDHT Climate idea - Borrowing from the future. Borrowing from the future is an idea based to be a model program for educating young people on climate change and building a platform for the youth to contribute to innovations in climate change. Recently, Patrick was nominated among the top 10 most influential youths in Kenya.

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Selected speakers

Boaz Paldi

Chief Creative Officer, UNDP

Boaz Paldi is the United Nations Development Programme Chief Creative Officer. In this role, Boaz oversees UNDP’s advocacy, flagship campaigns, events and partnerships. Most recently Paldi managed the design, rollout and launch of the #dontchooseextinction campaign. Before being appointed to his current role, Paldi led UNDP’s advocacy and communication as well as implementing UNDP’s multimedia strategy and co-founding the Social Good Summit. Prior to joining UNDP, Boaz worked as a TV journalist for 17 years covering conflicts, natural disasters and human-interest stories in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans first for the BBC then the Associated Press and finally joining Reuters where he worked as a TV News Executive Producer for over 12 years.

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Dr. Sweta Chakraborty

Climate Behavioral Scientist, CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

Dr. Sweta Chakraborty is the CEO of North America, We Don’t Have Time. She is a partner at Pioneer Public Affairs. She is also the founder and principal of Adapt to Thrive, a venture that seeks to better inform individuals, businesses, and government entities on the complex, interconnected challenges, such as food insecurity and disease, already existing and emerging from a warming planet.

http://swetachakraborty.comRead less
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Ingmar Rentzhog

CEO and Founder of We Don't Have Time

Ingmar is serial entrepreneur within financial communication and nominated for a DI Gasell Award, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, Sweden’s Environmental Influencer 2018, and International Gamechanger of the Year 2020, and Green Warrior 2021. Ingmar Rentzhog has been the chairman of the environmental think tank Global Challenge. He is on the board of Naventus Corporate Finance. He’s a member of Al Gore’s Climate Reality and European Climate Policy Task Force and he was in 2022 appointed a European Climate Pact Ambassador by the European Commission.

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Cassie Flynn

Global Director of Climate Change, UNDP

Cassie Flynn is the Global Director of Climate Change at UNDP. The portfolio supports over 150 countries to take bold climate action. She previously served as the Strategic Advisor on climate change to UNDP’s Administrator and Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister of Fiji as COP23 President. Cassie is an internationally recognized expert on the treaty negotiations on climate change and has been a featured expert by CNN, BBC, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde, New York Times, and other publications. Cassie earned her master's degree from Yale University and undergraduate degrees from Bowdoin College.

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Frankie The Dinosaur

Dinosaur, Climate Activist, UNDP

A concerned UNDP climate activist and asteroid-surviving dinosaur.

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Sonalie Figueiras

Founder and CEO, Source Green

Serial social entrepreneur & trends forecaster Sonalie Figueiras is a sustainability expert, food futurist and eco-powerhouse who has been inspiring global audiences for over a decade with practical steps on how to fight climate change. Known as the Green Queen of Asia, she is the founder and Editor in Chief of the award-winning media Green Queen, the co-founder and CEO of organic sourcing platform Ekowarehouse and climate tech SaaS Source Green, which helps consumer brands quit plastic packaging thanks to proprietary plastic reduction software In addition, Sonalie is a global keynote speaker and an advisor to multiple mission-driven startups and NGOs, and a venture partner to several VC funds.

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Katelyn Prendiville

Founder, SeedCulture

Katelyn is a corporate sustainability professional with a background in marketing and startups. She is passionate about empowering employees and businesses to lead the way in the transition to more sustainable systems.

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Tim Dew

CEO, GingrTech

Tim Dew is the owner of GingrTech. An inventor and entrepreneur, he builds world class simulations that enables teams to strive for excellence using best of breed gaming and behavioural science. He firmly agrees with the science that demonstrates that solutions to complex problems are accelerated by people working together.

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Immaculate Akello

Keri Naturals SMC Ltd

Immaculate Akello is a lawyer, climate change activist and social entreprenuer. Immaculate is passionate about promoting gender equality, climate justice and economic development in rural areas using rural feature.

https://www.immaculateakello.comRead less
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Elizabeth Wathuti

Founder, Green Generation Initiative

Elizabeth Wathuti is a passionate environmentalist and climate activist from Kenya. She is the founder of Green Generation Initiative (GGI) and the Head of Campaigns and Coordinator of Daima Coalition for the Protection of Urban Green Spaces at the Wangari Maathai Foundation. Elizabeth spoke at the opening ceremony of COP26 in Glasgow and was this year named to the TIME100 Next global list of the most influential people in their fields.

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Leonardo Lacerda

Global Managing Director - Climate, The Nature Conservancy

Leonardo Lacerda is TNC’s Global Managing Director for Climate Change, where he oversees the organization’s work to advance climate change solutions in mitigation, adaptation, and energy transition. Leonardo brings nearly 30 years of global experience building diversity and inspiring teams to achieve high-level goals in the environment, human development, and social justice sectors.

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Achim Steiner

Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme

Mr. Steiner’s professional experience includes assignments with governmental, non-governmental, as well as international organizations around the world, most recently Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme between 2006 and 2016. He previously served as Director-General of the United Nations Office in Nairobi from 2009 to 2011, Director-General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature from 2001 to 2006, and as Secretary-General of the World Commission on Dams, in South Africa, from 1998 to 2001.

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Dr. Yasmine Fouad

Minister of Environment, Egypt

Dr. Yasmine Fouad is Minister of Environment of the Arabic Republic of Egypt. Her expertise is in Environment and International cooperation with more than 18 years’ experience working in Government, in UN organizations, NGOs and Universities. She holds her MSc in Environmental Science and PhD in Political Science / Euro Mediterranean Studies. She had gained extensive experience in climate change issues through her diversified work with academic, government and non-government organizations and International organizations.

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Prof. Dr. Bernhard Loretz

Global Consulting Sustainability & Climate Strategy Leader and Founding Chair, Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress

Dr. Lorentz has dedicated his career over the past three decades to two major goals: Decarbonization of industries and improvement of the quality of public service. As president of one of Germany's largest private foundations, he demonstrated the impact strategic philanthropy can have on important policy reform processes. During this time, he founded several of today's leading think tanks in the fields of climate and energy (Agora Energiewende, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change), digital society (Stiftung Neue Verantwortung), migration/integration (Sachverständigenrat Integration), and international politics (MERICS).

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Omnia El Omrani

Official Youth Envoy, COP President

Omnia El Omrani is the first official Youth Envoy for the COP27 President and a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Resident from Egypt. She has more than seven years of experience in climate change and facilitated over 74 hours of training sessions and workshops in 15 countries across the world. She is a Commissioner at the Lancet-Chatham House Commission on Post-COVID Population Health, a Youth Sounding Board member of the EU DG-INTPA, an associate at Women Leaders for Planetary Health, and a member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety and UNICEF-Az Youth Leaders Programme. She has attended the last three UN Climate Change Conferences in Katowice, Madrid, and Glasgow, representing more than 1.3 million medical students worldwide in the International Federation of Medical Students' Association (IFMSA).

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Her Excellency Aminath Shauna

Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Republic of Maldives

H.E. Aminath Shauna is the Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology of the Republic of Maldives. Her portfolio includes protecting the natural environment, action and advocacy on climate change, science and technology development, and the implementation of policies on energy, telecommunications, water and waste management, along with policy direction of the Environmental Protection Agency and Biosphere Reserve Office. Prior to her appointment as Minister, Shauna served as the Policy Secretary to H.E. President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

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Loreley Picourt

Executive Director, Ocean & Climate Platform

Loreley Picourt is the Executive Director of the Ocean & Climate Platform – an international network over 100 organisations working towards a better integration of the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus into decision making. She is the focal point for the Marrakech Partnership-Global Climate Action on Ocean and Coastal Zones.

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Ignace Beguin Billecocq

Ocean and Coastal Zones Lead, Climate Champions

Ignace Beguin Billecocq is Ocean Lead for the UN High-Level Climate Champions and Senior Manager, Ocean and Climate, at the UN Global Compact. With the UN High-Level Climate Champions, Ignace is leading the engagement with the ocean community and ocean-based industries for COP26. By engaging and mobilizing a diverse group of stakeholders, Ignace’s ambition is to scale up ocean-based climate solutions.

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Ibrahim Thiaw

Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

Ibrahim Thiaw has been working within the UN for many years. He’s a specialist in forestry, forestry product techniques and has about 40 years of experience in sustainable development, environmental governance and natural resource management. Alarmed by his own land footprint and whether current products will be affordable for future generations, this year he is on an global awareness-raising campaign about the sustainable consumption and production of food, fibre (fashion), and animal feed.

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Michael R. Bloomberg

Founder, Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies,

Michael R. Bloomberg is an entrepreneur and three-term Mayor of New York City whose innovations in government and philanthropy have made him a global leader on climate change, public health, education, and other critical issues facing America and the world.

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Johan Falk

CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Johan Falk is a leader and entrepreneur in exponential strategies for climate and business. Falk is the CEO and Co-founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the mission to accelerate exponential climate action. Falk is the co-lead author of Exponential Roadmap and 1.5°C Business Playbook. Falk is a former Senior Innovation Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Future Earth. Falk was one of the initiators of the Global Carbon Law idea, together with Owen Gaffney and Johan Rockström, inspired by Moore's Law. Further, Falk was part of Intel Corporation 2006-2018, responsible for Intel IoT Ignition Lab and heading up the Intel Edge Cloud Game Changer program for 5G networks. Falk received the Intel Global Design Win of the Year 2010 for accelerating the telecom business exponentially to a multi-billion dollar business. less
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Lana Wong

Founding Member, Moderate The Panel

Lana Wong is a professional moderator, educator, photographer, director of communications for The Education Commission, and the former creative director of the World Bank’s Connect4Climate initiative. Lana is a founding member of the global moderators bureau Moderate The Panel, established to transform the world of events and conferences with powerful, diverse women's voices.

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Ambassador Peter Thomson

UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean

Ambassador Peter Thomson has served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean since 2017, in which role he is driving the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goal 14, to conserve and sustainably use the resources of the Ocean. He was elected to the serve as President of the General Assembly of the United Nations for its 2016-17 term. He was Fiji’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2010 to 2016, during which time he was President of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS). He led the Fiji team of diplomats that in 2013 chaired the Group of 77 and China – the UN’s largest negotiating group, comprised of 133 developing countries. He was elected as President of the International Seabed Authority’s Assembly in 2011 and as President of its Council in 2015. Ambassador Peter Thomson is a founding Co-Chair of the Friends of Ocean Action and is a supporting member of the High-Level Panel for Sustainable Ocean Economy.

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Romina Pourmokhtari

Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden

Romina Pourmokhtari is currently the Minister for Climate and the Environment of Sweden.

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Rahmina Paullete

Climate Activist

Rahmina Paullete is a 16-year-old climate activist, environmentalist and a wildlife conservationist from Kenya. She is the founder of Kisumu Environmental Champions which is a green initiative made up of 120 kids, teenagers and youths that are doing environmental conservation through clean-ups, growing trees, promoting climate literacy to the community and supporting their campaign called #LetLakeVictoriaBreathAgain which is focusing on restoring the ecosystem of Lake Victoria. Moreover, she has her own eco-business the name RahminaPaulleteEcoProducts which makes water hyacinth products. She is also a campaigner and the Focal Point of Food At Cop which is an international campaign that advocates for plant-based meals to be served at climate conferences, this year the campaign is aiming to promote indigenous vegetables to be served at Cop27. Furthermore, she is a climate activist at FridaysForFuture International, FridaysForFutureMapa and is a young climate champion at Wangari Maathai Foundation.

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Anita Soina

Environmental Warrior, Founder SpiceWarriors

Anita Soina is a 21 year old Kenyan environmental Warrior and Climate Activist. 2021 TedX Speaker, Founder of SpiceWarriors Environmental Organization and Author of “The Green War” book. She’s also a sustainability digital influencer.

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Geoffrey Mboya

Youth Advisor and Climate Activist

Geoffrey is a Youth Advisor for WeDon'tHaveTime and Climate Activist from low-lying land in Nairobi and has felt firsthand climate impacts in the form of environmental degradation around his neighbourhood. Inspired by his background, Geoffrey advocates for the connection between climate action and poverty. He speaks passionately and urgently about social justice, environmental protection, climate change, indigenous rights, and more, and isn’t afraid to call out corporate leaders and others who have contributed to our environmental crises. Despite the backlash he has received from, politicians, and even strangers, Geoffrey remains determined to continue his activism and bring about meaningful change.

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Nikka Gerona

Climate Advocate, YOUNGO

Nikka Gerona is a climate reality leader from the Philippines. She has been actively involved in various organizations locally and internationally. She has also been part of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where she supports the graphics sub-unit to enhance digital outreach strategies and advocacy efforts. She was also selected to be part of the 37 youth leaders across 13 countries to be part of the Young People’s Action Team for UNICEF East Asia and Pacific.

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Prof. Thomas Crowther

Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich

Thomas Crowther is an ecologist studying the connections between biodiversity and climate change. He is a professor in the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich, chair of the advisory council for the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and founder of Restor, an online platform for the global restoration movement. In 2021, the World Economic Forum named

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Mohab Sherif

Youth Engagement Coordinator for ACTS Egypt

Mohab is the Youth Engagement Coordinator for ACTS Egypt, and a campaign coordinator for Mock COP. He is extremely passionate about empowering youth leadership within climate action and has been heavily involved in the organisation of the Children and Youth Pavilion at COP27.

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Melissa Garvey

Global Director, Ocean Protection, The Nature Conservancy

Melissa is an experienced conservation leader, responsible for developing and executing strategies, managing teams and ensuring results to address the world’s most pressing challenges to people and nature. She leads the team responsible for TNC’s global ocean protection, coastal resilience, coastal wetland conservation and reef systems restoration, blue carbon, ocean planning and mapping, and community-based conservation programs.

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Day 2, World Leaders Summit

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Day 2, World Leaders Summit


We Don't Have Time is the world's largest social media for climate action. Our network connects you with everyone who wants to solve the climate crisis. Read climate news in one place and join the climate dialogue with corporate and governmental leaders. Download our mobile app or sign up on

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations organization tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development. In October, 2021, UNDP launched the campaign #Dontchooseextinction as a response to the monumental challenge of billions of dollars spent on fossil fuels subsidies while hundreds of millions of people live in poverty. Read more.

Ericsson is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers. Sustainability is at the heart of our company purpose, “Empowering an intelligent, sustainable, and connected world” and it is integrated into Ericsson’s strategy becoming an ever more fundamental part of creating business and societal value. Read more.

The Exponential Roadmap Initiative brings together innovators, transformers and disruptors taking action in line with 1.5°C, with the mission to halve emissions before 2030 through exponential climate action and solutions. The Exponential Roadmap Initiative is an accredited partner of the United Nations’ Race To Zero, and a founding partner of the 1.5°C Supply Chain Leaders and the SME Climate Hub.

The 1.5°C Business Playbook is a guideline for companies and organisations of all sizes to set a 1.5°C aligned strategy and move to action. Focusing on simplicity and speed, it is anchored in the latest science.

The Exponential Roadmap highlights 36 solutions with exponential scaling potential to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. It shows how we can build a stronger, more resilient and future-proof global economy and increase human prosperity and wealth- within the planetary boundaries.

The SME Climate Hub is a global initiative that aims to mainstream climate action in the small to medium sized business community, and enable SMEs to build more resilient businesses through climate action. The initiative provides the tools and resources SMEs need to reduce their emissions and measure their progress towards net zero. The SME Climate Commitment is the official pathway for small and medium sized businesses to join the United Nations global Race to Zero campaign.

Business Sweden is commissioned by the Government and the Swedish industry to help Swedish companies grow global sales and international companies invest and expand in Sweden. Read more.

The Global Commons Alliance (GCA) is a network of organizations working together to ensure that societies and the global economy thrive, sustained by healthy global commons, on a stable planet. Read more.

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We Don't Have Time is the world's largest media platform for climate action—with a mission to democratize knowledge about climate solutions and inspire and mobilize global action toward a prosperous, fossil-free future. The content of the We Don't Have Time media platform is user-generated. The We Don’t Have Time organization does not automatically endorse users’ opinions and claims. All users of We Don’t Have Time have subscribed to We Don’t Have Time’s Terms of Use, which, among other things, prohibits hateful, abusive, and violent content. If you discover content that violates our Terms of Use, please notify us immediately. The platform is operated by the company WeDontHaveTime AB (publ), whose majority shareholder is the WeDontHaveTime Foundation. The Foundation’s principal purpose is to contribute to a reduced climate impact and an ecologically sustainable environment. Our headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
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